Santé of Chandler


Santé of Chandler was founded in 2008 on the premise of reshaping the way our guests and patients receive care, challenging the status quo, raising standards and changing opinions. We see a better way for healthcare by being patient advocates, following evidenced-based clinical practices, caring for people holistically, improving continuity of care and providing nurturing surroundings that encourage and inspire. 825 S 94th St, Chandler, AZ 85224 (480) 571-2376 My Official Website: Google Plus Listing:

Bible Study with the Rev. Dr. Rick P. Chandler


One of my favorite made up words is, “Ignostic.” That is, to be ignorant of what the Bible really says and means. Sadly, many of we Christians “pick up” our theology from popular preachers, friends and information we put together ourselves. The outcome is our Scriptural knowledge is weak at best. The best way to learn what God is telling us is for us to sit down with a teacher and learn verse by verse, in context, what is being said. Join us as we delve into the books of the Bible, learn about the authors and the people and customs of the time, and how the scriptures relate to our daily lives. ~ Pastor Rick New Light Church, Deland FL