Zaby Milbath CH. - Vtuber


Mitad vaca, mitad vampiro. Zaby, mejor conocida como la reina inmortal. Recordada por liderar uno de los reinos más poderosos; Lactaria. En sus tiempos era aclamada y admirada como una líder nata, pero una maléfica bruja no pensaba lo mismo. Absorta y dominada por los celos, un día sorprendió a la reina en su recámara y la indujo a un profundo sueño. Cientos de años después, la reina despertó, en su castillo en ruinas, con ansias de recuperar lo que un día fue suyo. Confundida con el cambio de era, ahora debe adaptarse y volver a recuperar su gloria y la de su reino. Y te necesito para lograrlo.

Zeil Libertas Ch. Verified


Indie VTuber/VRumbler Playing games, making stuffs with wood and resin, having fun! RTE (Road to Enjoyment) and Chat Policies: 1: Number one and the most important: Treat others as you'd like to be treated. Simple, right? Let's keep it simple. 2: Please, no backseating during gaming streams unless I explicitly ask for help. It'll be obvious. 3: Please, no spoilers. That goes for me as well. 4: If you see someone saying something you don't like, just block them. It's the path of least resistence when it comes to your enjoyment. 5: As a general personal rule, I don't like banning anyone. However, there may be extreme exceptions. For example, If you're spewing obvious spam in chat, you may be banned based off my discretion. Obvious bots will also be banned. Ruiners of fun for everyone are also at risk of the bonkhammer. 6: Don't bring up other streamers/VTubers in chat unless I initiate that discussion and please don't do the same about me on other streamers chat. 7: Let's have fun hanging out!!!

Cuthbertson High School Track & Field


Founded in 2009 in Waxhaw, NC, Cuthbertson HS Track & Field has quickly earned a spot among the elite athletic schools in the state. This is a school with passionate and dedicated athletes, coaches, and parents supporting the program to compete at the highest level. This is one of the reasons why CHS has been attracting top talent locally and from out of state. \\n\\n2016-17 Girls\\\' State Indoor Champions\\n2017-18 Girls\\\' State Indoor Champions\\n2018-19 Girls\\\' State Indoor Champions/ Boys Indoor Runner-Up\\n2019 New Balance Nationals Indoors \\n- 8 All-Americans, two 4th Place Championship teams\\n\\nWith every incoming class of freshmen, the program gets stronger and the bar gets raised. If you are looking for a level-headed hard-working family-based competitive program, look no further than Cuthbertson HS in Waxhaw, NC, just 20 miles south of downtown Charlotte.



日本と日本の文化が大好きWimです。将来日本に住みたいので大好きな日本が変わって欲しくないので、ヨーロッパと米国の裏のニュースを伝えたいです。 日本語下手ですが頑張って日本語で伝えます。日本の状況も知りたいのでコメントで色々教えて下さい。 経歴 10年ほど、某ヨーロッパエネルギー会社にて通信、法律、貿易の部署で働いていました。 現在、銀行員。投資、経済専門、10年以上 英語、フランス語、オランダ語と日本語話せます。 ドイツ語とスペイン語は少しだけ出来ます。 趣味 日本のアニメ、漫画が好き過ぎて漫画とアニメのYoutubeチャンネルも作りました (漫画男)。 そっちは英語で説明していますが、字幕も付いているので良かったらそれも見て下さい。