Squaring The Circle, A Randall Carlson Podcast Verified


Welcome to the Randall Carlson channel! Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. ❤️ ADD FREE EPISODES: Watch full episodes of Squaring The Circle AD FREE on howtube.com with a subscription -- LINK: https://www.howtube.com/channels/SquaringTheCircle#tab_video_series For those familiar with Randall's work, you can of course expect this podcast to feature his extensive knowledge in all areas of his expertise, but that's not all. Randall will also play host to some of the finest minds of our time in exclusive interviews, where he and his guests will tackle the most complex and controversial issues facing our world today. Join Randall in ‘Squaring The Circle’; an endeavor to "reconcile the irreconcilable" using reason, rationale and critical thinking. 🔥 NEED A GREAT CBD SUPPLIER? OUR CBD SPONSOR OFFERS MY VIEWERS FREE SHIPPING FOR LIFE: 🌿 Use Code-- RCSHIPSFREE https://cbdfromthegods.com For everything Randall, visit RANDALLCARLSON.COM

Old Is Gold


Hi guys, Welcome to my channel "Restoration Circle" This channel is all about unique restorations, DIY, restoring vintage classics & antiques.and fixing things that are broken and other projects i hope you will enjoy. I like metal casting and I pay a lot of attention to the details of my projects. or making something new. So i have created this channel to share my work. If you have something to restore for me you can send me pictures of the item on Instagram or e-mail.

The Inner Circle Trader(ICT)


I am the Mentor of your Mentor. I am "The Ghost In The Machine". The Author & Creator of "Smart Money Concepts" and what many erroneously call Wyckoff Theory. There is absolutely nothing like what you are going to learn from me on this channel. I am often imitated, many have renamed my life's work... but you will see the Source of most things being marketed today as "Bank Trading", "SMC", "Interbank Trading"... and Price Action trading... sprouted right from the lectures and teachings I Authored. There is no Mentor who taught me these concepts. There is no "competitor" who can match these concepts. I have freely shared my Private Mentorship Core Content lectures to prevent frauds from reselling them and now you can see how many have plagiarized my concepts, and some have foolishly pretended to have created them themselves. Procure yourself some note taking instruments... roll up your sleeves... & discover how little you really knew until now. Enjoy, Michael J. Huddleston

Krysto Sophia~Circle of Light


Clare & Jeffrey work with Divine Mother Sophia & Divine Father Krysto energies. Assisting clients with sacred alchemy to reconnect & self heal. Working with embodying the Union of Source Krysto/ Sophia to achieve harmonic balance within their life's & fulfilling their souls mission. They offer Workshops, Spiritual Guidance for Self Healing, Sound Therapy & Quantum Healing sessions such as: A.U.R.A (Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy) R.A.A.H (Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing) Q.G.A.R (Quantum Galactic Akashic Reader) We also travel to many sacred places to aid in the ascension of Mother Earth & the Collective. If you are guided to book a session with Clare, Jeffrey or with them both, please go to www.circleoflighthealer.com

Alex's Book Circle Verified


Notice: Missy has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. All donations go to her ongoing care. What's Going On: https://triangular-detail-e87.notion.site/What-s-Going-On-0080251be0974472b7c0e1a3372b7b28 Book club live streams (send a request in discord for an invite to be ON the live stream: https://discord.gg/yHeQK2C) and audio readings of classic novels done by Alex Miceli/AlexofAllTrades. We won't be reading woke titles in this club. Classic fiction, old school sci-fi and fantasy, older literary novels, horror and more! Book clubs to be held one Saturday afternoon a month. Classic audio narration out as completed. Also buy my own novel! It's an ebook without DRM, so it is yours forever! https://alexmicelisplayspoemsandprose.wordpress.com/when-the-lights-flicker-out-2/

Circle Assembly of God


Circle Assembly of God is located at 8529 Rutledge Pike, Knoxville, TN. Sr. Pastor John Lawson preaches messages of faith to the congregation to prepare them for the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We belong and adhere to the tenets of the Assemblies of God. If you are in the Knoxville area and in need of a church home, please stop in for a visit, you will be welcomed with a warm smile and a firm handshake. Come worship with us! Also, please check out our website at circleassembly.org