ChaCha & Zee Explore


👋 Welcome to our Travel Channel for KIDS!!! We’re twin penguins 🐧🐧 & our motto is “Explore Hard, Learn Tons, Be Kind, and Have Fun!” Join the adventure now as ChaCha & Zee Explore!!! PARENTS Thank you for trusting us with your child’s attention. That’s a big responsibility, so we want to reassure you about our content. First, we are a husband and wife team with two grown children (boy and girl twins) who help with the content. We all LOVE to travel and we’ve done lots of it! We also have over 15 years of educational experience, mostly teaching in elementary classrooms. Our videos are focused on grades K-3, and the mission is simple—use entertainment to playfully cultivate a desire in children and families to travel and explore the real world. Since you’re now our traveling buddies, we’ll share a little secret…we hope kids will learn about the wonderful world with which we’ve been blessed. Shh! Don’t tell them that!! Let’s just make a game out of “eating the vegetables.” 😉

Hörspiele Hörbücher Krimis


Liebe Freunde der Sonne, herzlich Willkommen in unserer Gemeinschaft von Audio-Fans. Wir lieben es, eigene Bilder im Kopf zu erschaffen, ganz ohne Geflimmer vor unseren Augen. Es ist mir ein Anliegen, diese Leidenschaft mit Euch allen zu teilen. Ich freue mich sehr über Feedback in Form von Kommentaren, Likes und Abos. Dieser Kanal ist nicht monetarisiert, um Euch ein möglichst werbefreies Hörvergnügen zu ermöglichen. Wem dieser Kanal mit nun mittlerweile fast 700 Hörspielen/-büchern etwas wert ist, kann gern FREIWILLIG meine Arbeit unterstützen. PayPal: Überweisung: Freunde der Sonne DE16700100800506546805 Ich wünsche uns allen eine entspannte Zeit und viel Freude auf diesem Kanal. Herzlichst Mario

Baby ChaCha - Nursery Rhymes & Baby Songs


Description Welcome to Baby ChaCha, where we're dedicated to be part of toddlers' learning and growing experience! We believe that learning should be fun and enjoyable, and that's why we create contents that are both educational and entertaining. Our contents are designed to help toddlers interact with everyday life in a fun and engaging way, and to discover the world around them by learning through play. Join us on Baby ChaCha, a place where parents and toddlers can connect, learn, and have fun together!

Bucket List Florida OffShore Fishing


When I'm not making paintings for Laurie Maves ART, I'm fishing Offshore. My husband, Ralph, and I live in Sarasota, Florida, and together we have a 31' AMERACAT Fishing Catamaran. We have been living here and fishing off the Suncoast of Florida for the past 7 years. We both are die hard offshore fishing people - I mean WE LOVE FISHING, and we're pretty good at it too. We even won one of the Sarasota Slam fishing tournament categories with a wahoo back in August 2020. Anyway, after many monster catches, we have decided to start sharing our fishing adventures with the Rumble community. Hopefully you will be entertained by our outings, and maybe learn a thing or two about offshore fishing.