3RB RESTREAM (kênh mới 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@3rbreaction, https://www.youtube.com/@3rbrestreamz)


Hello ae, kênh 10k subs cũ bị ăn gậy rồi nên giờ tui làm thêm hẳn vài kênh mới tiếp tục hành trình phục vụ ae đây 👉 *Kênh YouTube 3RB Reaction* (video kinh dị, vlog, sinh tồn...): https://www.youtube.com/@3rbreaction 👉 *Kênh YouTube 3RB Restream* (Clip fan gửi, OGC): https://www.youtube.com/@3rbrestreamz 📺 *Tất cả video restream cũ* trên Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/thaygiaobarestream/playlists 🚀 *Đăng ký kênh để không bỏ lỡ video mới!* 🚀

Community Assembly of the British Isles


We share information, knowledge, skills, services and resources contributed by members working in cooperation to foster the growth and effectiveness of our network. We believe in working together as a team to create the lives we want for ourselves. The idea is to allow people to make their own choices. We do not try to take over the running of Local groups but rather plug them in to a network which allows for the free sharing of information. This approach has seen other free thinkers join our group to add their own services to ours so that we now have the Community Assembly of the British Isles, Community Hubs, Community Law Courts, Community Peace Service (Peace Keepers), Community Light Brigade and the Community Health Initiative. Join our Community today by visiting www.ca-britishisles.com or contacting:-

Brest Buzz


De Brest I à Brest V, 4 censures sont passées par là... Quels sont les mots-clé interdits par Youtube, c\'est le jeu de chat et de souris qui se joue entre Youtube et les youtubeurs engagés qui souhaitent parler d\'autre chose que de ce qui est politiquement correct, proposer des alternatives intéressantes aux media de propagande et oser parler de notre souveraineté intérieure gage de notre liberté. Pour toutes et ceux qui en marre qu\'on prenne les décisions à leur place et qui en ont marre d\'être infantilisés(es) et pris(es) pour des cons et des demeurés incapables de penser par eux-mêmes, vous êtes au bon endroit. Pour les autres, n\'hésitez pas à aller voir ailleurs... Merci ! ▶️ Web-Journal Brest Buzz quotidien ✅ Lien discord préparation Web-journal et échange entre les abonnés : https://discord.com/invite/fAWMkF9xbn ✅ Editoriaux jour après jour : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwPOodnVPVDUIJiWt13bNrPKauUUHRuJk