Science in Quran


In Islam, prophets (known as **"Nabi"** in Arabic) are individuals chosen by Allah to convey His messages and guide humanity. Here’s a brief description of some key prophets in Islam: 1. **Muhammad**: The final prophet, considered the Seal of the Prophets. Born in Mecca around 570 CE, he received revelations from Allah through the Angel Gabriel, which are compiled in the Quran. His teachings and actions (Hadith) form the basis of Islamic law and practice. 2. **Isa (Jesus)**: Considered one of the major prophets. In Islam, Jesus (peace be upon him) is not divine but a messenger who performed miracles and delivered God's message. He is believed to have been born of the Virgin Mary (Maryam) and will return at the end of times to restore justice. 3. **Musa (Moses)**: A central figure in Islam, known for leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. His story emphasizes perseverance, faith in Allah, and the struggle against oppression. 4. **Ibrahim (Abraham)**: Revered for his unwavering faith in Allah. Known for his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience. His story highlights themes of faith and submission to God's will. 5. **Nuh (Noah)**: Known for his role in the story of the flood. He preached righteousness and monotheism but faced great opposition. He built the Ark to save the believers and pairs of animals from the flood sent by Allah. 6. **Yusuf (Joseph)**: Famous for his story of betrayal by his brothers, imprisonment, and rise to power in Egypt. His story is one of patience, forgiveness, and divine providence. 7. **Yahya (John the Baptist)**: Known for his piety and his role in preparing the way for Isa (Jesus). He is recognized for his moral integrity and his message of repentance. 8. **Sulaiman (Solomon)**: Renowned for his wisdom and just rule. He is believed to have had control over jinn and animals and is noted for his ability to judge fairly and lead a prosperous kingdom. These prophets are viewed as exemplary models of faith and obedience, each contributing to the moral and spiritual teachings of Islam.