Discover Crypto Verified


Discover Crypto is the place where you can get the latest crypto news, project reviews, and cryptocurrency trading advice. Learn about different altcoins, historical Bitcoin cycles, & get the latest Ethereum news. Come be part of our community which we call the BitSquad. DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that I am not a professional advisor in business areas involving finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and commodities trading, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "BitBoy Crypto" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "BitBoy Crypto" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available.

"The DIVE" with Charles Sherrod Jr. Verified


What if there was a show online that brought you everything in news and entertainment, while also giving you up close and personal interviews with some of entertainments finest? Well look no further because it is here. My name is Charles Sherrod Jr. and I host "The DIVE", the revolutionary force in podcasting. Join me every Thursday at 7pm central for the latest episodes on youtube, facebook, twitch and twitter. Celebrities, giveaways, and more. All episodes will be uploaded here for your viewing pleasure. Go to GhostCove on facebook for more details.

Deep Dive with Tiffany Meier Verified


Welcome to the Deep Dive with Tiffany Meier. A new channel with the host of China In Focus. Here we bring you the analysis of the latest news combing with the historical facts and day-to-day evidence of the news events. So sit down with Tiff and learn about the latest issues surrounding the American lives and beyond!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTiffany Meier is the Host of China In Focus, the channel for fast, compelling first-hand news from China. She will focus on giving analysis zooming into specific issues on Deep Dive.

UFOs, Aliens, Space and Government Cover-ups


We indulge into life from other planets, how they get here and the government knowing about it and hiding the truth. Two Biggest Government cover-ups: Aliens and their technology and the Climate Change Hoax. If you like to make a donation to support the content please go to: for Doug Vogt for Dr. Steven Greer for Jeremy Corbell Also check out Thomas Townsend Brown's Website.

Amazing Discoveries


Amazing Discoveries ™ is a registered non-profit organization in Canada and the US (501c3) committed to exposing deceptions and errors in the religious realm, history, science, media, and health. We accomplish this mission through seminars around the world, as well as through publications and broadcasting via internet, radio, and television. Our material attempts to provide life-changing information and to reveal evidence that allows people to make better decisions for their lives.

Rediscovering Walt Disney


Rediscovering Walt Disney and his creations & Rescuing, Recovering, Reclaiming, & Restoring his works from Woke Disney. This channel exists to shine a light on Walt Disney, his legacy, and his numerous contributions to American culture and to create awareness of his many creations. Here you will find his early cartoons, film trailers, radio shows, interviews, audio recreations of his actual written words, obscure television specials, and other historical examples of Walt Disney history and his creative endeavors. It is our hope that this will cause understanding and appreciation for Walt Disney and his impact on our culture and the world by curating this collection documenting the history of his studio as it was. We also have included some vintage films documenting some of the people who collaborated with Walt because it's important average people are aware of the talented men and women who helped make Walt's visions into realities. Only by understanding the past can we hope to reclaim and restore the future. Videos are posted for historical purposes only. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company. Some of the rare, historical audio and visuals contained herein are the sole property of the Walt Disney Company. These are historical enthusiast-compiled and no copyright infringement is intended nor are any of these videos sold for a profit. By creating awareness of these rare materials, we hope that the Walt Disney Company will make these historic materials officially available for all to enjoy again. This is the sort of content that should have its own section on Disney+. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Please consider a donation to our Give/Send/Go so that we may continue to acquire more historical content from Walt Disney history to shine a light on. Thank you.

TIR (Targeted Individual Recovery)


My Name is Quinn, I have gone from Jehovah's Witness to targeted individual. The purpose of this channel is to bring awareness of these topics and offer solutions and help for others dealing with these things. I would rather not put myself out here but I know it is the right thing to do. Based on the universal law of free will, I have the right to tell others how I am being attack and I have the right to use my knowledge to help others. For anyone that tries to harm me for doing so would be violating my free will and the universal law that God/ or Source as granted us. Other channels

The Above-Ground Underground Podcast


Every Tuesday at 6:00 pm Central What has brought our country to the point where we have no confidence in our government. How have we lost all morality? How has America allowed rampant and terrible destruction and violence on American streets, throughout the nation. Can you see America’s society and culture changing before your very eyes? This is all because America has abandoned faith in God and we have politically given ourselves over to those who hate the Constitution. Let\\\\\\\'s talk about it together on, ‘The Above-Ground Underground Podcast’. Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD