Introducing "Slacker82alpha" - A Podcast Unveiling Truths Welcome to "Slacker82alpha," the game-changing podcast hosted by two dedicated military veterans on a mission to unearth the concealed truths that the government and mainstream media have been perpetuating. With an unyielding commitment to transparency and accountability, our show delves into the depths of deception to empower the American people with unbiased information that is often overshadowed or hidden from view. Led by our esteemed hosts, both of whom have bravely served the nation in the military, "Slacker82alpha" relentlessly exposes the misleading narratives and manipulative tactics employed by those in power. Their firsthand experiences coupled with extensive research form the backbone of our discussions, unmasking the hidden agendas and providing an alternative perspective.

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The Five Modern Pillars To Success


The 5 Modern pillars of success™ 1. Investing Without any personal financial plan, you will run into significant issues both professionally and personally. Our Slacker™ hosts will teach you the best principles to get yourself in a financially stable position. 2. Physical Appearance Living in a strong masculine frame will help your dating life and help you grow as a startup. Our head Slackers™ are masters at creating wealth and taking the lead to provide you with the right resources to get started. Our team will help you find the right workout/diet plan to kickstart the “new you”! 3. Networking As the saying goes: “You Are The Average Of The Five People, You Spend The Most Time With” Our Slackers™ have made our inner circle the most powerful in the world and have become masters at networking the right way! If you spend most of your time with love value people… well, you can’t expect better results than they are getting. 4. Entrepenurership Finding Your Niche We never teach our Slackers™ membership community to try and re-create Google, for example. We have all found a small niche and became the best in that niche. These are advanced strategies that you can expect to learn in our community. What business to start? How do I start it? How much money will it take? We will focus on a small niche, teach you how to become the best then how to capitalize on your business. 5. Dating/Relationships One of the most motivating powers in the world is relationships. We just so happen to have Jaren Scott, a proven dating expert, to guide you through the correct process to get the best results. PS. Dating should be the last thing on your mind until you have become moderately successful with our program.