Bible Baptist Church Grove City


Founded in 1955, the church has continued to preach the Word of God and to seek the souls of lost men and women. We stand without apology for the "Old Time Religion". Positioned in a strategic location right off of I-270, the church has a vision to reach the greater Columbus area for Christ. We desire to win the lost and "teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you". We invite you to come and see what God is doing through the people of Bible Baptist Church!

Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church


We are a Baptist church, and permeating all that we do, from purpose to programs, we have a firm commitment to adhere to the Biblical model of the local church. The philosophy of Biblical Christianity that we nurture is one that blends a meaningful relationship with God and a lifestyle of faith, following Scripture. A key objective is balance, and it permeates the whole of our ministry. Scripture-based conduct accompanied by a consistent and meaningful relationship with Christ yields that balance. We believe that the Christian life is one of faith and growth in grace.