Delora OBrien - The Gathering Verified


FAITH. FAMILY. FREEDOM. Delora and her husband Dennis worked in full time pastoral ministry in a large church in New York for over 20 years where they were overseers for many outreaches and ministries. God called them to LA in 2006, and Delora opened for Prophet Kim Clement's meetings and worked in the entertainment industry as a talent manager, screenwriter and producer. Delora has been a truthseeker and dispenser of unadulterated truth since she was a young girl and now she combines truth with Biblical principles and prophetic insight.

Patrick Bet-David


Patrick Bet-David is a leading source of information for all. Our mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Patrick Bet-David is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centred on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling. WHO WE SERVE; Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, entrepreneurs, and leaders within all types of organisations(public/private/non-profit). WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.

Patrick Bet-David


Valuetainment is a leading source of information for all. Our Mission TO ENLIGHTEN, ENTERTAIN AND EMPOWER CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD. WHO WE ARE: Valuetainment is the leading source for information, education and entertainment centered on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and capitalism. • WHY WE EXIST: There is a need for a voice that carries the torch for entrepreneurship and capitalism, projecting a compelling, positive message. We are that voice. • WHO WE SERVE: Established and aspirational entrepreneurs, startup founders, students, intrapreneurs, and leaders within all types of organizations (public/private/non-profit). • WHAT WE PROVIDE: A slate of live and online events and a growing content library that includes: video series, digital courses, podcasts and scripted programming. This vast content offering is delivered through our website, distribution partners including YouTube and Spotify and our own OTT channel.



215-948-4142 The Children of Israel have suffered persecution throughout the 4 corners of the earth and will soon receive the promises of our Father Abraham. Yashaya the anointed will soon return to free Zion. ISRAEL AWAKEN!!!!! ---------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ability to accept Terms of Service You affirm that you are more than 18 years of age, or an emancipated minor, or possess legal parental or guardian consent and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms of Service, and to abide by and comply with these Terms of Service. In any case, you affirm that you are over the age of 13, as the service is not intended for children under 13. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use this Service. There are lots of other great websites for you. Talk to your parents about what sites are appropriate for you.

Seeking the Truth


“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” - Bob Marley Seeking out the truth and sharing what i come across my travels around the net we must all stay open minded what we see and hear and trust in yourself Please Help and Share 👍 WE WILL NOT BE CENSORED. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED.

Seek Truth Daily


There is a time and season for every tree to sprout new branches, then leaves, then bloom and then the fruit. In time you will know what to do but God by Grace will give you the faith to do his will and you will with out fail... For now hold dear to God\'s truth and that truth is Jesus Christ... His light being in you will shine forward with time moving in the same direction placing the children of God where they need to be as Gods will be done. please Visit Study the History of your Religion and Prove your Teachers. There are more false teachings of Jesus Christ today than any other time in history. #ProveAllThings Know that Jesus is the Holy Place, Jesus is Our Holy Place, Stand with Faith in Jesus Christ. Read the true word of GOD for yourself.. King James Bible Matthew Chapter 5, This is when Jesus 1st taught the disciples. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life Jesus Christ is the Holy Place, Jesus Christ is our Holy Place

Hat Trick Letter


Golden Jackass is the site of numerous important mega-forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system, the diverse forecasts range from the housing bust in 2007, the mortgage bond bust that followed, the insolvent US banking system, the Dubai debt bust, the Southern European sovereign bond bust, the USTreasury false rally, the extended QE to Infinity policy, and the spread between the COMEX gold price and the real world physical Price of Gold, next the Petro-Dollar demise and the Gold Trade Settlement platform arrival, with the new BRICS Gold Central Bank, and climax USGovt debt default.

Seek the Truth Because it Matters Verified


TruthUnwrapped fills a void since investigative journalism died a long time ago. Main stream media spewed out the same talking points dictated to them by the powers that be. Most folks are too busy with very little time to research government policies or other critical issues that impact their daily lives. So many folks simply buy into the narrative, trusting hook, line and sinker that they are being told the truth by the media. This MUST stop! Your life and that of your family depends on knowing the truth so you can determine the best outcome for yourselves. Seek the truth because it matters as we pursue the truth at TruthUnwrapped.