Dad Saves America


Proud papa, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and arm-chair philosopher John Papola explores the biggest issues facing our kids, our communities, and our country through the lens of fatherhood. We produce powerful stories, exclusive interviews, mini-documentaries, and deep dives on a weekly basis. Our goal is to build a movement of dads and could-be dads who embrace our heroic calling to raise a new generation ready to thrive in a free society and be champions of civilization. New videos every Thursday.

becoming giant


Becoming Giant is of a mutinous collective that seeks to build community and refuse to settle. We desire to stand for more in life than mediocrity. We believe we are owed the truth by the people in power. We have come to the consensus that all people should have the ability to have their basic needs met; and that no one should profit from harming the earth or the people. It is outrageous how we are choosing to live under a regime of power based on fantasy. As we move forward, there seems to be more and more people awakening to the nonsense that is happening in this world. This means every day we will continue to get larger, grow, grow, and grow to become gigantic! People need to realize who truly holds the power! This battle is against those who simple minded fools who wish to shutdown life as we know it, control the progress of humanity like cattle, surveil individuals and involve themselves in corrupt agendas so they gain more power, control, and money. We do not wish to live in fear and want to find somewhere we can come to a place where we see that all of us need each other. There is no chance of our survival if we don't all decide what way we want things to go.

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We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos. ............... Daily upload android gameplay videos. ............... Our videos are always of the best quality. ............... Show your love for us and watch the video and enjoy the best time on our channel.