Pangea - Per un Mondo senza Guerre


PANGEA è un programma TV di politica internazionale a cura del Comitato No Guerra No Nato (CNGNN, Italia), APS Per Un Mondo Senza Guerre (Italia) e Global Research (Canada). Contribuisce a colmare il vuoto di informazione e contrastare la disinformazione dei grandi media sulle questioni nodali da cui dipende il nostro futuro e la nostra stessa vita. Trasmette in anteprima su Byoblu (canale 262 del digitale terrestre, canale 462 Tivùsat e canale 816 Sky) ogni venerdì alle 20:30, con 10 repliche nei giorni successivi. Ciascuna nuova puntata sarà disponibile anche online su , sul nostro sito e sul nostro canale Telegram CONTATTI Visitate il nostro sito Per qualsiasi informazione, domanda o proposta, scriveteci a , cercheremo di rispondervi al più presto. SOSTEGNO Se desiderate sostenere il nostro lavoro, vi preghiamo di fare una donazione su .

Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International


Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation,International is an Indian-based non-profit organization composed of civilian volunteers who study reported UFO sightings. It is one of the youngest organizations of its kind, claiming more than 500 members worldwide. The organization has been criticized for its focus on pseudoscience, and say its investigators use the scientific method for research. Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation also known as EURO, INT is an ufo Research Organization which is progressively gaining success in the field of ufology.It was started by a group of Teenagers in India who are still working in the organisation as support staff. Euro, International works in association with Minds Story Studio Pvt. Ltd which is a local EBook publisher. It has been 9months since the Organisation has started and it has got a good response ufo lovers as it has got an active participation of 500+ Members. It also publishes a book named Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International booklet and has a web series named Space Hints.

Messages To Benevolent Extraterrestrial Races


I am a starseed on Earth fully ready for extraterrestrial contact. I am asking to be used as a tool by the positive extraterrestrial races (or by any ET being who wants the highest good of humanity) for the dissemination of information with the following objectives: 1. For the consciousness expansion of this civilization. 2. For healing and guiding the people. 3. To prepare them for future mass contact. 4. For the overall betterment of humankind. I only have the highest intention for humanity. This is the only reason why I came to this planet. I am waiting for you to contact me. In Love and Gratitude, You Know Who I Am 🔥 Alternative/Backup Channels 🔥 ➜ Odysee: ➜ Bitchute: ➜ Rumble: ➜ Brighteon:

InfoGuerras Chile


Canal de Información Independiente. Libertad de información, hecha por y para ciudadanos. Contra la desinformación y la manipulación de los medios. Si estás viendo esta transmisión, eres parte de la Resistencia. #PartidoDeDerecha en Chile: #FuerzaNacional. Canal #FuerzaNacional: Gracias por compartir y difundir!! #InfoGuerras #InfoGuerrasChile #EstallidoDelictual #GuerraCultural #Orwell #CorrecciónPolítica #LibreExpresión #CivilizaciónOccidental Blog: GRACIAS POR TU DONACIÓN VOLUNTARIA!!

Scott Baxter Realtor


Welcome! I'm your local Dallas Realtor living in Rockwall County, Texas! Our amazing area is nestled on the shores of Lake Ray Hubbard. My journey has been nothing short of remarkable. From the awe-inspiring landscapes of New Zealand to the heart of Texas. Two years ago, my family and I chose Rockwall for its lakeside amenities and small town family Texas living and have had NO regrets! On this channel, you'll discover: •My personal relocation tales. •Pros and Cons •Deep dive into Rockwall's neighborhoods. •Fresh home construction insights. •The lifestyle you could be living Need personalized guidance for your Texas move? 📱 Call/Text: 945-244-0342 📨 As required by Texas Law, all license holders must provide the Information about brokerage services [IABS] form to prospective clients and the Consumer Protection Notice. IABS: Consumer Protection Notice: