9e Dimension


9ème Dimension, souhaite partager avec vous honnêtement et à cœur ouvert, nos observons et connaissance des évènements qui se produisent devant nos yeux. Si les « grands médias » faisaient leur travail correctement, nous n’aurions pas comme tant d’autres, le besoin de construire des plateformes, avec cette énergie consacrée à ce souhait fervent de questionner la vérité, au niveau de nos observations et de nos compréhensions. Nous pourrions choisir de fermer les yeux et avoir l’illusion de ne plus voir, ne serait-ce que pour nous-mêmes. Mais le monde s’assombrit toujours plus et le regarder ainsi se perdre dans les méandres obscurs est accablant, sans doute parce que nous avons encore une certaine conscience et un peu d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'humanité. Devant le mal qui sévit, se taire est un crime. Pourrions nous une fois encore nous tenir droit et inébranlable dans notre vie ? Quel honneur de participer humblement à cette grande bataille « entre le bien et le mal », au cours de cette grande époque. Une chance d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'être témoin d’un nouveau siècle qui au devant nous illumine et nous guide. Nous espérons cheminer avec vous jusqu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'au jour ultime, lorsque la lumière se révèlera pleinement, pour nous éclairer de toute sa splendeur!!!

Ascension Tools


About the Creator: Reinhard Stanjek has been perfecting the art of creating orgonite for over 17 years, relying on both learning from experts in the field and listening to his own artistic intuition. He is repeatedly fascinated by the way that spirit moves through these pieces and creates anomalies in his original design, only to find these occurances often enhance their energy output dramatically. Throughout the years, Reinhard has "gifted" our planet with 1000's of OG's. He focuses mainly on balancing the effects of cell phone towers and other disruptive frequencies. Visit Reinhard's Shop here: https://ascensiontools.co/

Albert Einstein was 100% wrong; The human mind does conceive the four dimensions.


In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By-w1NQVNHU https://youtu.be/s2KSN69s_yY https://youtu.be/JSZnz3kovkY I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.

The Ascension Sessions


Divine Light Codes® is a global healing haven for awakening Starseeds and light workers on their ascension journey. The founder Cheri Arellano is a multi-dimensional healer, artist, and alchemist. She shines a light on the higher purpose of her clients and assists them in overcoming incarnation challenges so they can fulfill their life’s mission. Her potent Divine Light Codes illuminate the path toward freedom, joy, and higher consciousness. Divine Light Codes is the ultimate vessel of Cheri’s life work. She is the host and producer of The Ascension Sessions and the Divine Lunch Hour. These shows were born out of pure passion for sharing more information on the ascension process and consciousness. Cheri has interviewed several spiritual leaders in the conscious community who have freely shared their knowledge on ascension, contact, and spirituality. Learn more at https://DivineLightCodes.com

Soul Fire Ascension With Raven and Lisa Lovelight


Mirror Mirror on the wall can you tell us the truth of it all. Welcome to Soul Fire Ascension with Raven and Jessamy As children we are not responsible for the programming we received, however as adults it is our responsibility to unlearn what we have learned and discover the real truth. It is our goal to awaken and activate others by deconstructing the programming. Expose others to different modalities of healing arts and education of ancient beliefs as well as new ones. Helping others realize who they are. helping others to connect with their higher selves and realize the God or Goddess dwells within us all. To reveal to the collective, source and the laws of one. To help others realize that we are self-healing. To help others to walk a path of beauty and love. When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors and future generations. Please share and subscribe and don’t miss out !

Remembering I AM and The Ascended Masters


Remembering I AM is a journey, no small stroll, it is a journal of remembrance - remembering who, what, and how I AM. It is also a channel where I will upload videos that honour those that have held the light for most of their lives. There will be teachings by Masters and the Ascended Masters. As I AM ever expanding and changing, this channel will be changing and ever expanding, detailing the progress of my journey as I AM directed by I AM and the Ascended Masters. Please subscribe to share in this sojourn and experience the jewelled path as it unfolds before us……..ascension is happening!



You are the great awakening. Raise topics of concern to help our planet ascend by spreading love, light, and freedom through frequency. Listeners will hear stories from people around the 🌎 working on projects to guide the ascension process forward... To debate or raise awareness with us: 1. Send us your evidence in the form of .jpg, .txt, .png or video to our telegram channel: t.me/Ascension_Process_11_11 (https://t.me/Ascension_Process_11_11) + a BTC donation (these videos are complicated to produce) to the following BTC address: 387uyFHPy3QSX1XdUK2wRW4bi3wZVXsHVQ Or 2. Send us your 3D model (rigged) + evidence in the form of .jpg, .txt, .png or video to our telegram channel: t.me/Ascension_Process_11_11 (https://t.me/Ascension_Process_11_11) + a promise to promote and blast our debate together across 5 social media platforms IN THE NAME OF LOVE, LIGHT, FREEDOM, we love all of you, 999.9cd/m²🩸