UnchartedX Verified


Hi, my name is Ben, welcome to UnchartedX. I'm a long-time student and fan of history. I've spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past. I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history. I hope you'll join me on this journey! I try to publish at least 1-2 well researched pieces per month, and also other less structured content, podcasts/interviews and the like. I may also publish content unrelated to history, from time to time :) Please consider the value-for-value model as outlined at https://unchartedx.com/support!

Tartaria Explained


Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the preMongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entirenorthern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time andwould have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian empire flourished duein part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, andgrand architecture.Tartaria is also where the Greek word “Tartarus” originated from.The denotation of lost souls spending eternity in Tartarus the underworld is due tothe Tartarian Empire having been buried and wiped out during the mud flood. Theworld of the Tartarians is literally the world under our world. The underworld.Tartarus wasn’t the underworld and will never be the underworld. Tartaria is theunderworld. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out theTartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the “underworld” if they challenged the religious authority.

Mama Bear Talk


Welcome to Mama Bear Talk. We are Kimberly and Michelle, two extremely angry Mama Bears fighting against the abuse, indoctrination, and grooming of our children. Join us as we explore everything from everyday mom life hacks to urban gardening, homesteading, recipes, and herbal remedies. We will also speak about current events and crazy “conspiracy theories”. Basically, we will talk about whatever we want with courage and absolutely no censorship. If we get something wrong we will admit it. If we have an opinion you don’t like then take it with a grain of salt and come back again tomorrow. Watch us grow as moms while we fight the indoctrination and grooming of our children. We love you all and remember- Get Up- Get out- Get Loud

Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means. C3RF opposes Motion M-103, the UN Agenda 2030, the Global Compact on Migration, the distorted use of “Islamophobia” in the Canadian political lexicon - with the goal of promoting education, justice, and Charter Rights protection to all Canadians.

Klartext im O-Ton


Dieser Kanal ist eine private Initiative von Christen in Österreich. Wir möchten hiermit einen Beitrag leisten, um eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung rund um das Thema "Corona" zu fördern.\\n \\nDabei ist uns das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung sehr wichtig. Wir nehmen es für uns selbst in Anspruch, und wollen es auch den Personen zugestehen, mit denen wir Interviews führen. Die Inhalte der Kommentare müssen nicht zwangsweise mit unserer persönlichen Meinung übereinstimmen.\\n\\n▶️ Folgt uns auf Telegram:\\nhttps://t.me/klartextimotn