UK Column Extracts
1,064 FollowersUK Column News
887 FollowersTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction
881 FollowersRadioQuebecEXTRAITS
796 FollowersInfowarrior Extraordinaire
410 FollowersEph 5:11 ...have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
311 FollowersAqui você assiste vídeos com minhas análises da conjuntura política, minhas participações como cidadão nos movimentos sociais e políticos e vídeos que eu recomendo para quem me segue nas mídias sociais. Jornalista 0090171/DRTSP CONTRIBUA COM DEXTRA PELO PIX do Banco do Brasil: 26476676000140 Banco do Brasil Ag. 6848-9 Cta. 7758-5 CNPJ: 26.476.676/0001-40 Paulo Gabriel Martins de Moura e-mail:
Extra Bulla!
179 FollowersWelcome to Extra Bulla! I've been in blue and white collar jobs and know what working people are going through. Our elected officials and media have let us down. Who do you trust these days? This channel is dedicated to bringing viewers information and commentary on the nation we call the United States. We'll delve into political goings-on and how it affects the working person. We'll try to provide accurate and hopefully helpful information, not click-bait headlines and empty words. We'll also have livestreams with interesting people. Plus, we'll have fun when we can. Engaging in meaningful conversation requires respect, compassion and sincerity, and we're here for all of it!
157 FollowersAnti-Vegan
137 FollowersALIEN NATION
129 FollowersRockhounding, Lapidary and Digital Art
Ham radio class Extra
119 FollowersPresent via zoom by Roland Anders
116 FollowersAustralia News
LDGI Game Extravaganza!
103 FollowersLDGI Game Extravaganza! 1776 style playing. We work hard, and play HARDER!!! This channel may be vulgar display of pure power, colorful language, as well as games that might not be suitable for underage kids. The RANTINGS of LDGI are that of a VIKING and will never be silenced. Enter at your own risk! Affiliate with; The Alex Jones Store Please use our link to buy your Supplements & cool Infowars merch. Thank you for the support.
84 FollowersJust a group of folks who love sharing the Truth
DC Comics and Entertainment Extravaganza
81 FollowersWelcome to 'DC Comics Entertainment Extravaganza' – your one-stop destination for all things DC Comics and entertainment! Dive into the captivating world of DC superheroes, villains, and epic storylines. Join us as we explore the vast universe of DC Comics through in-depth comic book reviews, thrilling discussions about live-action and animated DC movies and TV shows, and engaging analyses of your favorite characters. Whether you're a die-hard DC fan or just a casual enthusiast, our channel is here to provide you with engaging and thought-provoking content about the iconic heroes and anti-heroes that populate the DC multiverse. We'll share our opinions, theories, and insights on the latest DC releases, as well as dive into the rich history of this beloved comic book universe. Get ready for a non-stop adventure through the pages of DC Comics and the excitement of the big and small screens. Join us in celebrating the world of DC Comics, where every video promises to be an entertaining journey into this fantastic realm. Subscribe now and become a part of our DC Comics community!
Extra Income & Alternative Jobs
69 FollowersExtra Income & Alternative Jobs Welcome to Extra Income & Alternative Work, your ultimate destination for practical tips, tools, and strategies to earn money online! Whether you're exploring affiliate marketing, searching for alternative jobs, or looking for flexible home work opportunities, our channel is designed to help you achieve financial freedom. Discover how to maximize your income with creative solutions, work-from-home guides, and side hustles that fit your lifestyle. From beginners to seasoned entrepreneurs, we provide valuable insights and updates on the latest trends in online money-making. 🔗 Subscribe now and transform your free time into a source of extra income! Extra Income & Alternative Work Keywords: make money online, affiliate marketing, alternative jobs, work from home, extra income, side hustles Hashtags: #MakeMoneyOnline #AffiliateMarketing #SideHustle #WorkFromHome #ExtraIncome Thanks for joining our journey to financial independence!
Cis White Male with Extra Privilege
67 FollowersYouTube - Odysee - archive. org - Bitchute - DONATE HERE IF YOU APPRECIATE THE CONTENT - "And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?" "Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know." The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly. - Indian fable
A Podcast About an Extraordinary Lawsuit
64 FollowersJoin Dr. Len Ber every week as he discusses the updates to the lawsuit of the century, as well as topics of importance to the Targeted Individuals community.
Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International
57 FollowersExtraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation,International is an Indian-based non-profit organization composed of civilian volunteers who study reported UFO sightings. It is one of the youngest organizations of its kind, claiming more than 500 members worldwide. The organization has been criticized for its focus on pseudoscience, and say its investigators use the scientific method for research. Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation also known as EURO, INT is an ufo Research Organization which is progressively gaining success in the field of ufology.It was started by a group of Teenagers in India who are still working in the organisation as support staff. Euro, International works in association with Minds Story Studio Pvt. Ltd which is a local EBook publisher. It has been 9months since the Organisation has started and it has got a good response ufo lovers as it has got an active participation of 500+ Members. It also publishes a book named Extraterrestrial and Ufo Research Organisation, International booklet and has a web series named Space Hints.
Price Action
55 Followers20 years of experience trading financial markets, i'am sharing my secret price action strategies, check it out here
52 FollowersUnusual and extraordinary threat, military world news, geopolitics, Terrorism
50 FollowersMilitary world news, geopolitics, Terrorism
48 FollowersExtraLambo
46 FollowersCoetus Saint Jean-Marie Vianney
45 FollowersSites miroirs : Documentaire AdEXT professionnel de janvier 2022 en 14 épisodes (répartis sur 2 saisons en 5 heures au format Full HD), réalisé par des chercheurs indépendants sur la base des travaux publics du site de : Rore Sanctifica ( Saison n°1 – La destruction de l’épiscopat catholique valide (6 épisodes pour 2 heures) L'Eglise de Rome n'a plus d'évêques, ni de prêtres valides, 50 ans après Vatican II, suite au rejet du rite catholique de consécration épiscopale en 1968. Paul VI-Montini, a menti, en prétendant infailliblement, fonder le nouveau rite de consécration épiscopale sur un texte en usage. Ce texte n’a pas d’existence historique démontrée. Le documentaire produit l’enregistrement de l’interview inédit et exceptionnel du Dr Jean Magne (1910-2009), qui, en 1975, réfuta la thèse de Dom Botte, caution pseudo-scientifique du nouveau rite. Il met en scène tout le contexte de la subversion de l’Eglise depuis 1917 dans ce domaine, dans son contexte religieux et politique, influencé par la City of London. Le général des Jésuites Ledochowsky et les Jésuites y ont joué un rôle clé, quoique dissimulé derrière des acteurs ultérieurs plus connus (le Lazariste « Mgr » Bugnini, le Bénédictin Dom Botte, le Père spiritain Lécuyer). Il met en image la démonstration magistrale du Dr Jean Magne et expose le ralliement des universitaires contemporains à ses travaux. Saison n°2 – La tentative depuis 17 ans (2005) de continuer à préserver la prétendue « validité sacramentelle » de la nouvelle consécration épiscopale imposée le 18 juin 1968 par Montini-PaulVI à l’Eglise Catholique de rite romain en avançant le faux argumentaire des conjurés du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II, obstinément assumé depuis 2005 par la Revue le Sel de la Terre des Dominicains d’Avrillé (8 épisodes pour 3 heures) La justification erronée du nouveau rite par les dominicains d’Avrillé fait l’objet des 7 premiers épisodes de la Saison 2. Le documentaire illustre visuellement tous les failles et erreurs de leur prétendue « démonstration » de 2005 (Sel de la terre n°54). Il montre la totale reprise des arguments fallacieux de la commission réformatrice de 1967 du Consilium liturgique de Vatican II et l’opposition claire sur le sujet au Magistère de l’Eglise énoncé avec les marques de l’infaillibilité pontificale par le Pape Pie XII dans la consécration épiscopale (1947) et dans le code de Droit canon oriental (1957). Après avoir réfuté une à une les fausses affirmations de cet article, il présente les conséquences dramatiques pour l’Eglise de l’adoption en 1968 de ce rite invalide. L’important épisode 8 (1 heure) de la Saison 2 montre comment cet argumentaire erroné conduit aujourd’hui la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie X (FSSPX) à intégrer dans ses rangs un pseudo-évêque invalide, « Mgr » Vitus Huonder, en présentant aux fidèles dans ses cérémonies publiques ce simple laïc comme un véritable évêque catholique validement sacré, mettant ainsi en péril prochain les sacrements valides distribués aux fidèles et la transmission valide du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique dans l’institution fondée par Mgr Lefebvre à cet effet. La figure de l’étrange Richard Nelson Williamson y est également évoquée dans cet épisode ; le leurre qu’il représente pour l’abbé Carlo Maria Vigano y est mis en lumière. Après avoir mentionné la fausse « Christologie de l’esprit » (Spiritus principalis) qui sous-tend le nouveau rite, le documentaire rend hommage aux principaux combattants qui s’opposèrent à ce nouveau rite non-catholique. Enfin, retraçant la chronologie comparée des apparitions mariales depuis 1830, les déclarations formelles du Magistère infaillible des Papes et les actions inspirées du démon pour conduire à l’éradication du Sacerdoce sacrificiel catholique, le documentaire expose comment l’Eglise catholique est éclipsée à travers l’extinction désormais progressive et biologique des lignées épiscopales de rite latin depuis 1969. Pourtant le pape Léon XIII avait bien solennellement averti la Sainte Eglise, confirmant la substance du secret de La Salette révélé par la Très Sainte Vierge Marie à la voyante Mélanie Calvat en 1846, puis par celle-ci aux fidèles en 1879, en rédigeant personnellement et en promulguant en 1890 sa supplique à Saint Michel Archange, en préambule au grand Exorcisme, puis en le faisant éditer en 1898 puis encore en 1903 juste avant sa mort : « Ubi sedes beatissimi Petri et Cathedra veritatis ad lucem gentium constituta est, ibi thronum posuerunt abominationis impietatis suae ; ut percusso Pastore, et gregem disperdere valeant. » (« Là où fut institué le siège du bienheureux Pierre, et la chaire de la Vérité, là ils ont posé le trône de leur abomination dans l’impiété ; en sorte que le pasteur étant frappé, le troupeau puisse être dispersé »). La Rome maîtresse de vérité a parlé, la cause est entendue.
"Discover the Extraordinary in the Everyday!"
44 FollowersWelcome to Everyday Explorers! 🌍✨ Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems and fascinating stories that life has to offer. From travel and lifestyle to thought-provoking discussions and personal growth, we're here to inspire curiosity and adventure in the ordinary moments of life. Whether it's exploring new places, trying out fresh ideas, or sharing tips to live your best life, there's always something exciting to discover. Subscribe and become part of the Explorer Tribe—where every day is a new adventure! Let’s make the most of life together, one experience at a time. 🌟 #EverydayExplorers #LiveCuriously #AdventureAwaits
Dexter U.S.
39 Followersmusic channel for Dexter U.S. more is available by looking us up in google or youtube and free vst's are available
39 FollowersToday is different from yesterday...capture whatever it is that makes you happy.
Messages To Benevolent Extraterrestrial Races
37 FollowersI am a starseed on Earth fully ready for extraterrestrial contact. I am asking to be used as a tool by the positive extraterrestrial races (or by any ET being who wants the highest good of humanity) for the dissemination of information with the following objectives: 1. For the consciousness expansion of this civilization. 2. For healing and guiding the people. 3. To prepare them for future mass contact. 4. For the overall betterment of humankind. I only have the highest intention for humanity. This is the only reason why I came to this planet. I am waiting for you to contact me. In Love and Gratitude, You Know Who I Am 🔥 Alternative/Backup Channels 🔥 ➜ Odysee: ➜ Bitchute: ➜ Rumble: ➜ Brighteon:
JBuck Extra
35 FollowersSURPRISE!... You found JBUCK EXTRA. The "not so secret" place for all of my other content, shorts, clips, & nonsense, that doesn't make it to my super clean and shiny main channel. THANK YOU for stopping by, enjoy, take your shoes off, and remember to drink water. You thirsty gurl! For business inquiries please contact
33 FollowersPower of the Pulse Extras
31 FollowersVideos I don't own, that I'd like to share
Level Zero: Extraction
29 FollowersIdeas 4 Extra Income
28 FollowersTips and Tricks To Get Extra Money From Internet
Dinero Extra Peru
27 Followersvideos de ganar dinero con apuestas casinos y bot de telegram y paginas gratuitas que pagan ademas tambien tendremos videos de inversiones
27 FollowersExtramoneyy
25 FollowersMusic Rewind Extras
24 FollowersExtra clips and fun stuff from the Music Rewind Podcast: