American in Crimea Interviews Verified


Join us while we talk to Westerners, Ukrainians, Russians, and others about how they view their lives in their respective countries of residence. How it is to live in Crimea as a foreigner. Also see our other channels on Rumble: - AmericanCrimea (our streams on life and tourism in Crimea) - InfoWarPress (our streams on Information Warfare and Propaganda) - EnglishKrym (Our English School student lessons) You can support our work through donations at: (US/Ruble) (US/Europe) BitCoin: 3CmFVh5fCCbobNzdxGrGP2BuK3sQ5iSqxG

American in Crimea Verified


How it is to live in Crimea as a foreigner. Also see our other channels on Rumble: - AmericanCrimeaInterviews (our regular Saturday live streams) - InfoWarPress (our streams on Information Warfare and Propaganda) - EnglishKrym (Our English School student lessons) You can support our work through donations at: (US/Ruble) (US/Europe) BitCoin: 3CmFVh5fCCbobNzdxGrGP2BuK3sQ5iSqxG

American Nana


I am looking for Mommas & Nanas out there. We need to come together and help each other. As a Mothers and Grandmothers, we have so much to teach and offer women of today. Our wisdom, experience, and nurturing hearts can provide invaluable support and guidance. Let's form a community where we can share our stories, offer practical advice, and lend a listening ear. By standing united, we can create a network of care that empowers mothers to thrive and, in turn, fosters a loving and supportive environment for the next generation. Together, we can make a difference, one family at a time. So, let's reach out, connect, and show the world the incredible strength and compassion that grandmothers possess. I am in the DFW area and would love to meet up. I would love to talk to each of you on my podcast: American Nana. If you are interested, put a heart in the comment below and I will reach out to you or email me: Thank you, Nana #AmericanNana #Mommas #Grandmas