Since the 1980s, patients have been reporting extreme experiences of violence within occult contexts. Therapists have discovered ritual abuse involving human sacrifices, child abuse, snuff films, and consciousness splitting. The public became aware of this phenomenon, but perpetrator circles launched a campaign to dismiss it as "Satanic Panic." Nonetheless, survivors persevered, networking and speaking out. The "50 Voices of Ritual Abuse" project aims to debunk this perpetrator propaganda. 50 survivors worldwide are sharing their experiences to expose the reality of ritual abuse and mind control. Please support spreading the truth. Project launched in August 2023, with weekly testimonies on various platforms.

Finding Freedom: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.


Meditations for Narcissistic Abuse is a channel dedicated to helping those who have experienced the trauma of narcissistic abuse find inner peace and healing. We offer guided meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices tailored specifically for this journey. Our goal is to empower victims of narcissistic abuse to reclaim their power and break the cycle of abuse. Each video is carefully crafted to promote self-compassion, self-empowerment, and healing. With a focus on providing accessible and supportive resources, we believe that meditation can be a powerful tool for recovery. Join us on this journey and subscribe for weekly meditations. Let us help you find the strength and resilience to move forward on your path to healing. Together, we can make a difference.

Communist Repression in Cuba


🇨🇺🚨| Our mission is to compile as many cases of human rights violations and police/ state brutality against the Cuban people by the Castro dictatorship since 1959 and thus bring awareness and solidarity to the Cuban people. We want a #FreeCuba | #Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliceBrutality #CommunismKills #ElCambioEsYa🌻 Nuestra misión es recopilar casos de violaciones de derechos humanos, represión y violencia policial en Cuba para mostrarle al mundo que nuestro país vive bajo una dictadura brutal de 61 años. Queremos libertad para Cuba y que los opresores vayan a corte y sean juzgados. Tw: @CubaPoliceAbuse IG: @CubaPoliceAbuse FB: CubaPoliceAbuse https://www.youtube.com/c/CubaPoliceAbusePNR/featured