Gabriel Cruz Research Verified


The new home of Gabriel Cruz Research. If you suddenly noticed my YouTube channel disappeared, that's no error. YouTube deleted my channel permanently. You can find YT archives uploaded here in the future... Linktree CashApp: $Gabrielcruzresearch Minds: PayPal: Telegram: @GabrielCruzResearch Twitter: @GabrielCruzTrue Venmo: @GabrielCruzResearch YouTube: Email:

The Brushfire Mind


The Brushfire Mind is a veteran-owned media project. We are developing media projects with constitutionally conservative themes. Our merry band of miscreants are blue-collar workers, entrepreneurs, and combat veterans dedicated to taking the enemy to task. We are here to discuss the problems that face the nation and to propose actual solutions. One of the first things we want to achieve is to reclaim our sacred language. Remember when the Clintons were democrats and the GOP weren\'t? Our first mission is to spread the brushfires of liberty in the minds of men and remind our precious America that no flavor of tyranny, be it Democrat or Republican is one that we can stomach. Incidentally, that\'s why most of us voted Trump. Many of our usual contributors are actually veterans who have deployed in defense of your rights and security. Check us out and see what the warriors who love you have to say about keeping you American.

Costa Mesa Brief


Showing videos of events around Costa Mesa not covered by the major media sources. We will attempt to cover important events and issues allowing the viewers the opportunity to decide for themselves what is factual and what is rumor. You are permitted to comment as long as it is civil but offensive or inappropriate comments will be deleted. Send topic suggestions to: THE OPINIONS OR VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THESE VIDEOS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THIS STATION. Costa Mesa Brief is a production of VideoTrek Productions, LLC. Thanks for watching.

Padre Gabriel Amorth


Relatos de exorcismos reales del Padre Gabriel Amorth, sacerdote católico y exorcista italiano, conocido por su experiencia en la práctica de exorcismos. A lo largo de su vida, escribió varios libros que tratan principalmente sobre temas relacionados con la espiritualidad, la fe y el fenómeno de la posesión demoníaca. Aquí te relatamos varios #PadreGabrielAmorth #Exorcismo #EspiritualidadCatolica #FeCristiana #LuchaEspiritual #LibrosCatolicos #Exorcista #Cristianismo #OracionPoderosa #BatallaEspiritual #ReligiónCatólica #VidaEspiritual #MisteriosdelaFe #TestimoniosCatolicos #Mal y #Bien #Vaticano #SabiduriaCatolica #PazInterior #EsenciaCristiana #PadreAmorth