The Jason Damico Show


Developed and founded in the Spring of 2019, The Jason Damico Show is a podcast focused on the artistic community and the covering of uniquely gifted artists/personalities--as well as having fun and documenting great moments and memories. The podcast is conducted in a Joe Rogan-type formatting but more specified towards artists and the entertainment industry. The show has the honor of covering the insightful stories of world class talents and personalities such as Joe McNally (LIFE, National Geo), John Custer (Sony, Columbia), Jessica Lynn (Keith Urban, ZZ Top), James Lugo (American Idol, 311), Brad Russell (Joe Satriani), and many more. The show began gaining traction when we reached out to viral YouTube/Reddit star MessiahSez for a featured special in his apartment in Brooklyn, NY. Many guests on the show have praised the atmosphere of the show to be "healing and therapeutic"--propelling positive vibes into an often negative space (social media).

Matteo D'Amico


Matteo D'Amico è docente di filosofia. Conferenziere e saggista, ha collaborato con una decina di riviste di area cattolica e da alcuni anni conduce su RadioBuonConsiglio i programmi "Storia della Chiesa" e "Il matrimonio cristiano". E' intervenuto come relatore a numerosi convegni in Italia e all'estero. Dal 1998 ha iniziato a occuparsi di temi bioetici, collaborando in particolare con la rivista “Quaderni di San Raffaele”. Ecco alcuni suoi testi: “Giordano Bruno”, PIEMME, 2000; "Piccolo manuale di apologetica",PIEMME, 2004 (coautore); “Per un accesso a Iota Unum: la struttura della critica di Amerio alla teologia conciliare e post-conciliare”, 2008. Acquista il mio ultimo libro "Apostasia Verde", sulla svolta ecologista di papa Francesco: CONTATTI: PER SOSTENERE IL CANALE: PAYPAL: IBAN: IT51T0574802607100000007506

Zac Amico's Midnight Spook Show


International Superstar Zac Amico sits down with his favorite comedian friends to talk about his first love, horror movies. Watch every Friday at midnight along with Zac and his friends as they talk about 80's long butts, making movies on a shoestring budget to make the most money possible, some of the grossest set pieces in cinema history and so much more! Catch the whole show unedited and ad-free in HD only on GaS Digital Network. Use promo code ZAC for a 7-day free trial and 10% off your subscription!

Italiano Dinamico


Italiano Dinamico – Learn Italian | Italian Course for English Speakers 🇮🇹✨ 📚 Learn Italian the smart way—through real conversations, not just boring grammar drills! Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve, my lessons focus on practical Italian that you can use in everyday life. ✅ Engaging video lessons ✅ Real-life dialogues & pronunciation tips ✅ Downloadable PDF lessons & resources ✅ Join my Italian course on Substack & start learning today! 📥 Subscribe now and start speaking Italian with confidence! 🎉

Stavby a rekonstrukce

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Amico Stavební s.r.o. stavební společnost působící zejména ve Středočeském kraji a v oblasti výstavby a rekonstrukce domů a bytů, interiérů a jiných zařízení. Veškeré práce provádíme v maximální kvalitě, vždy dodržujeme veškeré technologické postupy a práce jsou prováděny kvalifikovanými osoby se zkušenostmi v dané staební oblasti. Ke každé zakázce přistupujeme citlivě. Víme, že pokud bude rekonstrukce domu provedena necitlivým způsobem, může vzniknout nevratná škoda a znehodnocení objektu. Po stanovení potřebných prací, rozpočtu a časového horizontu provedených pracíobstaráme i veškeré potřebné podklady pro rekonstrukci.