The Mel K Show Verified


Mel K is a devoted lover of truth, facts, history, God, and America. After growing up in a tight-knit family outside of Philadelphia, Mel graduated with honors from New York University with concentrations in journalism and film. Mel went on to spend 20 years working in film, television, and investigative journalism in Hollywood before moving back to New York City to focus full time on The Mel K Show, where she exposes the truth and explores our hidden history. The Mel K Show is laser-focused on educating and informing the public about the malevolent, geopolitical forces that are hell-bent on achieving their goal of ending nation-states and self-determination of free peoples for top-down global governance. Through strategic alignments with deceptively named associations and non-governmental organizations, these globalists seek to replace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with surveillance, compliance, conformity, and control. In exposing the true nature and agendas of the enemies of freedom and justice, Mel seeks to find unity and strength among people worldwide. Together, we will put personal liberty, national sovereignty, and the inalienable rights of all people first, now and forever.

Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored) Verified


Advocating for the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans is our number one thing. - Interviews with firearms rights advocates. - Updates on the fight to safeguard the Second Amendment. - Gun and gear reviews About comments: Comments are welcome. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments; comments that contain profanity, sexually explicit material or personal attacks; and off-topic comments that have nothing to do with firearms or firearms related subjects will be deleted. Visit my blog for articles on guns and gun related stuff at All content on this channel is under Copyright © 2024 by KBTN Inc. All rights reserved #904301

The Homeless Left Verified


The Non-Tribal News Podcast: A LIVE Weekly Show on Trending U.S. Politics and Global Issues Looking for real, unbiased news beyond the usual partisan narratives? The Non-Tribal News Podcast brings you an in-depth, non-tribal perspective on trending U.S. politics and global events. Join us every Tuesday & Thursday at 12:00 pm PT | 3:00 pm ET as Hollywood director Matt Weinglass hosts from Los Angeles, with co-hosts independent media journalists Craig Pasta Jardula, & Jay Scott, plus health & wellness advocate Stephanie Pierucci Key Topics Covered: Big Pharma Corruption and Health Advocacy Media Censorship and the Free Speech Debate The U.S. Military Industrial Complex Political Corruption and Corporate Power Each week, we feature progressive, populist, and anti-establishment voices from around the world, discussing America’s most controversial issues. From the "war on the press" to “government overreach” and “political reform,” our guests bring unique perspectives that challenge mainstream narratives on issues like Big Pharma, media bias, and corporate influence in politics. The Non-Tribal News Podcast dives into what matters with a fearless, independent approach. Subscribe now to stay updated on U.S. political trends, global issues, and the latest current events!

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on

Classic Cartoons and Movies Verified


Welcome to Timeless Toons & Flicks, the ultimate destination for lovers of classic animation and vintage cinema. We bring you a vast collection of old-fashioned cartoons and movies from the golden age of Hollywood, featuring beloved characters like Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, and many more. Our channel offers a nostalgic trip down memory lane, taking you back to a time when entertainment was simple, wholesome, and filled with charm. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the timeless magic of our classic cartoons and old Hollywood films. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated with our latest uploads!

Official Project Camelot Classic Archive


Welcome to the official backup of Project Camelot by Kerry Cassidy. This platform is dedicated to preserving truth, transparency, and fearless investigative journalism. We stand committed to exposing hidden agendas, questioning mainstream narratives, and providing a space for critical thinkers to explore the deeper realities of our world. Claire Edwards: 5G, COVID, and the Global Reset Claire Edwards, a former United Nations editor and whistleblower, has been a leading voice in raising awareness about the dangers of 5G technology, the COVID-19 agenda, and the broader implications of the so-called Global Reset. She has spoken extensively about the weaponization of technology, the risks of mass surveillance, and the erosion of individual freedoms under the guise of public health and digital transformation. Her work aims to inform and empower people to resist globalist control mechanisms and protect their sovereignty in an increasingly technocratic world. Kerry Cassidy is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot. Kerry is a documentary filmmaker/investigative journalist and well-known host of Project Camelot TV broadcasting live shows weekly on Youtube. She interviewed over 1,000 people over the past 15 years on both radio and video available on Youtube and on PROJECT CAMELOT aka – and is a leader in the alternative media sector. The Project Camelot Youtube channel has over 66 million unique viewers worldwide and over 261,000 subscribers. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers, and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension, and free energy. She speaks at conferences around the world and is considered one of the leaders of the disclosure movement. See Kerry’s recently released book “Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity”, now available on Amazon.

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin Timeless Teachings


These are the timeless teachings of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, Founder, Kenneth Hagin Ministries ( Rev. Kenneth Erwin Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas. Rev. Hagin was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. In August 1934, Rev. Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God’s Word. Jesus appeared to Rev. Hagin eight times over the next several years in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Rhema for Today. In 1968 Rev. Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith. That magazine, now produced nine times a year, has a circulation of over 200,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated worldwide more than 65 million copies of books by Rev. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, and several other authors. Faith Library Publications also has produced millions of audio and video teachings.