The Modern Minuteman


The Modern Minuteman thoughts on training, preparedness, and gear! My channel isn't about getting likes or going viral over views, but instead it is about sharing my enthusiasm for the "Modern Minuteman" philosophy and taking you along on my journey through my own experiences, training, skills, personal thoughts, values, and of course equipment! Whether its about Scouting, Bushcraft, First Aid, Firearms, thoughts of the day, or gear reviews, this is more than any one thing or one person but more about the journey to hold on to our values and pass and share this information with each other and the next generation of conservative outdoor enthusiasts! Along this journey we can share in the adventure and maybe be able to help each other out in the overall preparedness community!



| ✝️ | Rise Against The Machines | News, history, culture, entertainment, everything. Backup Channel >>> Jesus Christ is 👑‼️ (NKJV) John 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." (NKJV) Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Gettr: @TheVitaminGuy Rumble: @MinutemanWatch Parlor: @UNFilteredNetwork Gab: @UNFilteredNetwork Podcast: Minuteman Watch Instagram: @minuteman_media THIS IS THE PLAN OF ACTION, MINUTEMEN ASSEMBLE! BOYCOTTS are an OBVIOUS, peaceful solution to counter corruption. Demands for government integrity, freedom, secure borders & pardons will have WAY more power once enough people back them up with boycotts. Money talks in a language that corrupt politicians and their big tech/media/pharma/bank/WEF cronies understand. Why is there NOT EVEN ONE famous, pro-freedom politician or media personality promoting an action plan to unite & rally people to counter corruption & censorship? They could rally millions with JUST 1 TWEET Meanwhile J6ers & Assange are endlessly suffering in jail and the Constitution is ignored. They need help NOW, without waiting for elections. ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption & censorship by media/tech/pharma giants and politicians: 1)Cancel Cable/Streaming/Satellite TV 2)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches. Boycott Google,Apple,Facebook,Amazon,Microsoft,Netflix,Paypal,Vanguard,Blackrock,WEF partners & other tech/media/finance/pharma giants Consider selling shares of big tech/media/finance/pharma stocks & mutual funds & investing in pro-freedom companies, like Rumble. 3)Bank with small local banks Pay cash whenever possible 4)Demand IMMEDIATE pardons for Assange, Snowden, J6 prisoners & other truth tellers 5) Demand secure borders(land air, sea) Demand transparent elections in which any citizen can verify their votes were counted accurately with a receipt. 6)Use web browsers like Brave, edge, wolf, Use search engines like Brave, startpage, yandex Use email like ProtonMail, sekurmail, Post videos to Rumble, Bitchute & Odysee 7)Use a Linux OS like Linux Mint on your PC rather than Windows, Mac, Chrome OS Almost any PC can be switched to Linux. Linux is free Use a DE googled phone(can buy one on ebay) rather than iPhone/Google Android Use a Linux PC on your TV with wireless keyboard & touchpad for videos rather than smart TV apps/apple TV/roku/firestick Feel free to copy, paste and share this.

Minuteman Gear


Minuteman Gear is a company founded by college student Luke Shorr and his friend, Ethan Norton, an Army ROTC Cadet and future Infantry Officer. Empowering and equipping the next generation of minutemen both with physical gear and mental knowledge and skill, we strive to show the old generation of minutemen that their ideals and principles are in good hands. We seek to educate the next generation of minutemen in training and philosophy, demonstrating that we are much more than just a gear company. We hope you resonate with our beliefs and continue to come back for more. \n\nYoutube Channel:\n\nTo inquire about a holster, contact us at: