Prophecy Walkers - Hazel & Alistair


Hazel & Alistair are mentors of the Deep Feminine & Pure Masculine, truth tellers in an age of illusions. We see, feel, hear and smell each other through our senses. Through our sense of respect, our sense of honour, our sense of responsibility, our sense of fulfilling the quest, our sense of knowing this is where heaven meets earth through ourselves, and the love we cultivate in each other. A gift that only people can dream of and only let live in the fairy tales. We are those belonging to each other, for each other and in life, helping each other find the way home by taking responsibility, each for our own individual roles in the journey, knowing even though it is individual it is deeply together. Our quest may indeed feel long at times, but we know it has already been many lifetimes, so the gratitude to find such understanding and love in each other in this lifetime is exceptional, and this is a great thing to take responsibility for. There is a new game of love available. Become a member of our patreon here:

Sim's Bible Reflection - Faceless Christian Channel


Welcome to "Sim's Bible Reflection - Faceless Christian Channel" – where ancient biblical wisdom meets today’s world. Explore forgiveness, redemption, and prayer through engaging teachings and quick insights. Our channel centers on Jesus Christ, sharing lessons from the journeys of biblical figures to inspire and guide you through modern challenges. Discover how Scripture sheds light on current events, offering a faith-based perspective in uncertain times. Let God's word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path as we navigate life's trials together.While we understand that not everyone may agree with every teaching shared, we kindly ask that all comments remain respectful and constructive.

Funny animal trading videos

1 Follower

I believe you meant to say "Create description". Here are four description options for your funny cat videos channel: 1. "Get ready to laugh with the silliest cat videos on the internet! 🐱😂" 2. "Purrfectly hilarious moments captured on camera! 📹🐈" 3. "Meow madness unleashed! Join us for daily doses of feline fun! 😹🐱" 4. "Kitty komedy at its finest! Watch, laugh, and repeat with our funny cat videos! 🐈😂" Let me know if you'd like me to come up with more options or if you have any specific preferences!