Ruhi Çenet


Ruhi Çenet has visited hard-to-reach places in 65 countries across six continents, bringing extraordinary stories to digital platforms. His documentary series "Rediscovery" has been broadcasted in 15 different languages and reached over 2 billion views worldwide. He has been a reliable face of documentaries for over a decade, providing valuable insights from our planet. Altı kıtada, 65 ülkede ulaşılması güç yerleri ziyaret ederek olağanüstü hikayeleri dijital platformlara taşımıştır. "Yeniden Keşif" isimli belgesel serisi 15 farklı dilde yayınlanan ve dünya genelinde 2 milyarın üzerinde izlenmeye ulaşan Ruhi Çenet, on yılı aşkın bir süredir internet belgesellerinin güvenilir yüzü olarak yerküremizden tanıklıklar sunmaktadır.



Hello everyone! Andrey "Gidra94" Ryabinin is with you! I am a Youtuber from Russia, live in Moscow. This channel is a combined, re-forged continuation of my now closed channels "Andrey Ryabinin", "Gidra94 Reactions", "Gidra94 Games"and" Gidra94 All sorts of Stuff". Now all my content will be published on this new channel, namely reactions, letsplay, vlogs, reviews and other content (which I don't know how to classify:)). Videos will be released frequently, but there is no schedule as such, mostly during the day or in the evening. Do not forget to subscribe to the channel, put likes or disslike, leave your comments, and also do not forget to subscribe to my social networks, so as not to miss the release of new videos. Enjoy your viewing!

Joe Leonard


I am Joe Leonard, the world\'s definitive fact-checking authority. Whilst the bewildered herd lumbers about in confusion in a world of darkness, Joe Leonard rises to the challenge, ready to authoritatively elucidate complex matters in layman\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terms. I am here to fact-check and debunk at a moment\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s notice. Stop thinking for yourself! Let me, a full-spectrum warfare commando do all of the thinking for you! I am fighting domestic terrorism by telling you what to think! 🦅🤡🌎 🚨 This is your one-stop shop to download all of your opinions! Stop thinking and start watching! 🚨 I am also the founder of Neverworks Games, a game development company. Our titles include Nevergrind, Firmament Wars, and Nevergrind Online.

Healing Mellow Music


Welcome to Mellow Music! Immerse yourself in the perfect synergy of study music, relaxing melodies, and cinematic visuals. Our study music is designed to heighten your focus and productivity. Whether you're tackling assignments or gearing up for exams, our carefully curated tracks create an optimal environment for effective learning. When it's time to unwind, our relaxing melodies offer solace. Whether you're meditating, seeking mindfulness, or simply need a peaceful moment, let our soothing tunes be your companion. Indulge your senses in our cinematic videos, each a visual masterpiece. From awe-inspiring landscapes to heartfelt narratives, our videos take you on an emotional journey. Join our community that celebrates the magic of music and visuals. Whether you're a student, a seeker of serenity, or an admirer of artistry, Mellow Music is your destination. Subscribe now and let the symphony of sound and imagery elevate your experience. 🎵🌄🎥

Orla Straż - Eaglewatch


POLSKI (english below) Misją Fundacji Orla Straż jest pomoc ofiarom terroryzmu na Bliskim Wschodzie. Wspieramy rodziny, które straciły bliskich, dom oraz dorobek całego życia w wyniku najazdu terrorystów z ISIS. Chcemy pomóc im w powrocie do normalnego życia, jakie wiedli przed wojną, wywołaną przez islamskich fundamentalistów. Realizujemy nasze działania przez odbudowę zniszczonych miejsc pracy, wspieranie edukacji wdów i sierot oraz pomoc rozwojową udzielaną w bardzo szerokim zakresie. Nie mamy jednej, ustalonej dziedziny, w której się specjalizujemy, ponieważ dostosowujemy swoje działania do aktualnych potrzeb poszkodowanych społeczności. ENGLISH The Eaglewatch Foundation’s mission is to help victims of terrorism in the Middle East. We support families which as a result of ISIS incursion have lost their relatives, homes and everything they owned. We want to help them return to normal lives they had led before the war that was started by Islamic fundamentalists. Our work is carried out through such projects as reconstruction of destroyed workplaces, support for the education of widows and orphans, as well as widely-defined development aid. Our activities are not limited to a single, preset field of specialization as we adapt them to the current needs of the affected communities.