

Video Video Host David James ( djb@yhwh.stream ) teaches the Bible with authority.. Today, we study the book of 1 Kings and King Solomon. These are real answers, not what the judaic temples ( "CHURCHES" ) would answer. The Word of the Most HIGH series - https://davidjamesboston.com/word-of-the-most-high/ My e-mail: davidjamesboston@gmail.com Web: https://davidjamesboston.com/archives/ Web streaming: https://odysee.com/@TheNarrowRoad:8?view=content Telegram Chatgroup: https://t.me/NARROWROADCHAT Should you wish to support the endeavour to continue to edify: cash.app/$davidjamesboston ( a useful Youtube video on cashapp is here [ Ignore the $5 thingy for safety & security please ] : https://youtu.be/9LpC_5Ke5HE ) Amazon US Gift Card donations in USD are most welcome too ( please use e-mail address davidjamesboston@gmail.com ) - How to send an Amazon Gift Card Youtube video is here: https://youtu.be/-bh41B7a0Y4 Cross Border Amazon Gift Card donations - this Youtube video titled " How to buy an Amazon GIFT CARD for another country " might be useful: https://youtu.be/yP3yZbRYdBw To donate LBRY Credits ( via odysee.com ) - my address is: bX8reHTZ6tpk7AkHTvsyziX6DJdvxzExEo QR Code, for LBRY Credits. just in case: https://imgur.com/fcavZbk

Jesus Rey de Reyes Sanidad


¡Bienvenidos! A nuestro Canal, ¡Lugar donde sanidades y milagros en el nombre de Jesucristo ocurren diariamente! Lugar para recibir sanidad, liberación, aprender la verdad y aprender a caminar en poder. 1 Corintios 4:20 porque el reino de Dios no es cuestión de hablar sino de poder. Santiago 5:14-15 ¿Está alguno enfermo entre vosotros? Llame a los ancianos de la iglesia, y oren por él, ungiéndole con aceite en el nombre del Señor. 15 Y la oración de fe salvará al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará; y si hubiere cometido pecados, le serán perdonados Cel: 760-992-1077 Whatsapp + 001-760-992-1077 💎 Zoom.us/j/9490200658 💎 Email: Francisco@jesusreydereyes.com 💎 http://jesusreydereyes.com/ 💎 https://parler.com/profile/ApostleFrancisco/posts 💎 English https://rumble.com/c/c-397105 💎 English YouTube 💎Subscribe to JKK: https://bit.ly/2GcGA9W Español, https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Rey-de-Reyes-Ministerio-de-Sanacion-y-Liberacion-1601687256564181/ English https://www.facebook.com/JesuskingofKingshealing/ English Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7OLlCDKNROQrelPoVEeVzQ https://www.facebook.com/apostolfranciscogomez

How Bout That Cigar


How bout that cigar? We want to join with our viewers to learn more about the world of premium cigars. As we learn, we can also help others to understand and appreciate the dedication, care, and craftsmanship that go into each cigar that we enjoy. Along the way, we will try to learn about the materials, the places, the methods, the market, and most of all, the people. The world of premium cigars is all about relationships. Whether it’s the farmer who cultivates the tobacco, the blender, the roller, the tobacconist, or the consumer, this is all about the hands and hearts that make it possible. We look forward to taking the journey with you. A phrase you will hear a lot from us, is… “Burn cigars, not bridges”

Chronic Cough Cures by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, University of Iowa Cough Cure Clinic Founder


Cough is the #1 reason why countless MILLIONS of patients around the world go to their doctors with no FDA approved treatment; let alone a cure ~ till now! Note: This is a repository of Dr. Weinberger's work. You might have heard: "... treat," "... suppress," "... try this," and/or "... we'll keep an eye one it;" but maybe never the word ~ "cure" for an adult, or child's acute, or chronic post-viral cough ~ till now. You feel hopeless, helpless, forsaken, lost, desperate, and beyond despair for the future. No more. Dr. Weinberger has received multiple reports of adult, and child post-Covid cough, long-Covid cough, post-influenza, or post-viral chronic cough cures. These post-Covid & long-Covid cough patients have been easily cured via-telemedicine & by watching a YouTube documentary, and following simple instructions after all other comorbidities have been ruled out. Read about post-Covid Habit Cough cures by Dr. Weinberger from the Journal of Clinical Medicine below. Consult with your doctors.

Spicy Spleen


🌶️ *Spicy Gaming! 🎮 Support with ETH* 🌟 🔗 *Ethereum Donation Address* : 0x5207866b2EDc1cC44Ef1BE9E3196FA46D5cf9a80 🔥 *Welcome to SpicySpleen’s Gaming Channel* !🌶️ Dive into our treasure trove of epic gameplay, mind-blowing montages, and pro tips.! 🎮 🙌 *Why Donate* ? Your contributions directly impact our channel *Upgraded Equipment* : Better cameras, microphones, and editing software mean higher-quality videos for you! *Creative Content* : With your help, we create exciting new content, including game walkthroughs *Channel Growth* : Donations fuel our growth. We’ll reach more gamers, collaborate with other creators, and explore fresh gaming experiences. 🔔 *Subscribe* to our YouTube channel! 🕺 🎥 Catch me live on Twitch : SpicySpleen on Twitch 🌟 Let’s chat, laugh, and conquer virtual worlds together! 🌍📸 Follow me on TikTok : @Spicy.Spleen for quick gaming snippets and behind-the-scenes shenanigans. 🎬 Make it an *Amazing* Day! 🌟 Disclaimer: Donations are voluntary and non-refundable.