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Lisa Daftari


Lisa Daftari is an award-winning investigative journalist, political analyst and commentator frequently appearing on Fox News, CBS, NBC, Al Jazeera, Voice of America and SiriusXM focusing on topics such as the Middle East and North Africa, terrorism, national security, ISIS on the web, global Christian persecution, human rights, cyber security and more. Lisa also serves as director and founding editor of The Foreign Desk, a news platform covering stories and analysis from around the globe with an emphasis on their impact on U.S. foreign policy. She publishes “Lisa’s Top Ten,” a popular daily email briefing with the day’s most vital foreign affairs stories, reaching 250,000 monthly subscribers. Her exclusives appear on The Drudge Report, Fox News, The Telegraph, Newsweek, CNN, The Huffington Post and The Washington Post. She is regularly called upon to give briefings and expert testimony to government and private entities and has worked for a number of think tanks in Washington, DC.



quer saber tudo sobre criptomoedas e jogos NFT? esse canal é pra você! meu maior objetivo é ajudar pessoas que compartilham do mesmo sonho que eu, que é viver da internet, a fazerem isso a partir dos lucros com jogos NFT E CRIPTOMOEDAS. Aqui eu te ensino tudo sobre criptomoedas e jogos NFT do zero até o avançado tudo isso gratuitamente. Se você quer dicas sobre somo investir em criptomoedas jogos NFTs, analise de mercado e muito mais você está no lugar certo. você pode, SIM, mudar a sua realidade e viver a vida que você quer viver, trabalhando com o que você ama fazer. e eu acredito que eu possa te ajudar a conquistar esse sonho! :) meus vídeos vão ao ar todos os dias . E aí, bora decolar esse foguete?🚀✨



ideo Music Artist NFTs LEAD SINGER OF HOUR BAND. NFT ART TALK Talk Show Musicdog NFT Crypto Video Network 
 Eclectic style Performer of American/Global music mixed with all genres in the modern musical era. 1st Generation Indian American . Austin, Texas. Started Playing guitar at high school and formed Hour Band in 2007 in Austin Texas. Orchestrates and plays guitar/bass/drums/vocals/keys/synths/DJ. Founded VMA Connect Tv Network/Distribution in 2017. Released self titled project in 2018. Founder of NFT ART TALK youtube video podcast show and Founder of Musicdog NFT.

Ape NFTs Character


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