Έρχου Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ


Το παρόν προσωπικό Ελληνορθόδοξο κανάλι μας λειτουργεί συν Θεώ αποκλειστικά και μόνο για πνευματικούς σκοπούς, προς δόξαν του Αγίου Τριαδικού Θεού μας και ωφέλεια των Ορθοδόξων Χριστιανών και των συνανθρώπων μας εν γένει. Ουδεμία κερδοσκοπική βλέψη ή οποιοδήποτε υλικό κέρδος υπάρχει από τη λειτουργία του. Σε περίπτωση που άθελά μας θίγουμε πνευματικά δικαιώματα, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση που δίνουμε παρακάτω. Τις ομιλίες του μακαριστού διδασκάλου και Κατηχητή μας π.Αθανασίου Μυτιληναίου μπορείτε να βρείτε εδώ: http://arnion.gr/index.php/p-thanasios-mytilina-os/milies-p-thanasiou Επιμέλεια καναλιού: Βασιλική Οικονόμου Σας ευχαριστούμε. Καλόν αγώνα με του Αγίου Τριαδικού Θεού μας το Φως, της Θεοτόκου τη Σκέπη, των Ουρανίων Ταγμάτων την προστασία και των Αγίων Πάντων τις πρεσβείες. ✞ IC XC NΙΚΑ Ο ΚΥΡΙΟC ΕΓΓΥC

Anthropogenic Climate Doom Skeptic


After months of work, finally my 12 part package, Human Caused Climate Change? A Skeptical Look at the Narrative, has gone live. It is 12 separate PDFs (each one related to a different topic) that offer information and views skeptical of the mainstream “settled science”, “consensus” climate change narrative. Go to the Climate Change ??? page of my website to read more and to look at and/or download all or any of the 12 PDFs: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/?page_id=1508 It links to many sources, among them some videos. I created this channel to assemble most of them in one place. Also check out my other Global Coup related work at: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/



Découvrez l\'univers poétique tendre et décalé de Blagodariov, le baladin du vivre-ensemble. Provocateurs mais consensuels, insolents mais populaires, alliant sensibilité et engagement, ses tubes gentils, homotolérants, citoyens, festifs et métissés proposent un traitement résolument ludique et joyeusement moderne des grandes thématiques contemporaines. Aussi musicales que théâtrales, ses chansons débordent de rêves, d\'amours, de rires, et d\'utopies.\r\n\r\nRetrouvez l\'intégrale de ses chefs-d\'œuvre à cette adresse : https://www.tvs24.ru/pub/members/Blagodariov/\r\n\r\nPour lire une critique honnête, intelligente et objective de son travail, c\'est par ici : https://www.infolibertaire.net/les-patriotes-sattaquent-a-la-mauvaise-herbe/\r\n\r\nNOTE IMPORTANTE : \r\n\r\nL\'espace commentaire de Blagodariov est un safe-space non-mixte où les Blanc.hes peuvent entre elleux échanger sur leur expérience de racisé.es. La présence de nos ami.es de couleur, bien qu\'enrichissante et diverse, est donc ici indésirable.

Maggie's Mornings With Jesus


Come hear about some good news! I am on a mission to fulfill God's purpose for me, through sharing the love of Jesus. I am just a broken person who is being restored, and renewed every day because of Jesus's amazing love. On this channel you will hear me read daily scripture and devotionals, as I walk this wonderful journey of life. I'm always learning, and growing, and there is no judgment, only love and compassion here. There is brokenness in the world & I believe it is crucial that Christ centered leaders step up to mend it. "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." -Matthew 5:16 My goal is to do my part in bringing the church (God's Children... The Body Of Christ) together, with truth from the word of God alone, so that we may soon become built up in love and work properly in order to effectively do what we are called to do. I also will be sharing with you how the word of God is moving in my life as I continue to humbly learn and grow in God's love.

Wellness Coach


Are you ready to invest in yourself? You are worth it and when you say yes to yourself you open up endless possibilities . This is a 90 day strength training, flexibility and weight loss challenge. The steps are easy. 1. Purchase the products needed to transform yourself here https://www.myyl.com/tracy-moulton#bwm/strength-flexibility-and-weight-loss-challenge 2. Subscribe to this channel on Rumble. 3. Join my private coaching Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1015774132307444/ 4. Join my Telegram group as well https://t.me/+_u-CHjD7rhphYmQx 5. Get moving as you wait on your products to arrive.

Woodworking & Carving Projects


Well, as its name indicates 😜, Woodworking & Carving Projects 💡, is your BEST Youtube channel and BEST option to get DAILY tips tricks and hacks almost covering different woodworking projects & carving projects, given to you on a silver platter 😎, with pleasure ☺️! As well, and from time to time we will cover some of the best tools of woodworking and carving tools! We Do Cover Here: * Woodworking * Woodworking Business * Woodworking Projects * Easy Woodworking Projects * Woodworking Projects You Can Sell * DIY Woodworking Projects * Woodworking Plans * Woodworking Plans For Beginners * Carving * Woodworking Patterns * Carving Patterns * Woodworking Art * Woodworking Tools * Woodworking Tools You Must Have * Wood Carving Tools * Best Woodworking Aprons * Best Woodworking Apron 2022 * Woodworking 2022 * Woodworking Class * Wood Carving For Beginners 🡲 Don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to the channel for MORE Tips, Tricks & Hacks and very interesting projects 👌 Thanks in advance.

Moving Home with Charlie


I’m on a mission to find a home for everyone, including homeless people. This channel is here to help, and you can help by subscribing. Why won't your home sell? Moving home is stressful. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls most people make when moving. In this channel you will get the wisdom I’ve gained in more than 23 years working with agents: What to do, what not to do, and how to do it. You'll learn all the tips and tricks to get you the results you need from agents when moving. Who is Charlie Lamdin? https://vimeo.com/564528892/e1aa2d77a1

Talking Beards


Talking Beards is a weekly LIVE entertainment/news show all about the facial hair scene. We cover many different topics from the latest competition news, product reviews, club meetings and events, personal achievements, and news stories pertaining to facial hair. Each week we have a guest that is making a contribution to the world of facial hair in some way. We are always looking to highlight the growth of the community and help bridge gaps between social stigma and educate those who are interested in beginning their journey. Each week we interact with our chat room and have trivia to win beard and mustache products or other various prizes. Our ultimate goal is to entertain and help the facial hair community grow bigger so we all can help more people in need.



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Science Facts Info is a YouTube channel that provides engaging and informative content about a wide variety of scientific topics. The channel covers a range of subjects, from the latest developments in technology and medicine to the mysteries of the universe and everything in between. Each video is designed to be both educational and entertaining, using clear and concise explanations to make complex scientific concepts accessible to viewers of all levels of knowledge.