Clear Perspective


My name is Serene Lee. I was born and raised in Communist China, and I escaped from China to avoid religious persecution. I have personally experienced the brutal ruling of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I know directly of their tactics to control people, and how human rights and free speech remain absolutely taboo in China. After coming to America, I have greatly appreciated American freedom and the value of the individual. I began working as a journalist to share the real news coming out of China, news that was hard to find. I never imagined that the CCP could infiltrate America to the extent that it has, such that the US is now under attack. If America falls, the whole world will fall; there is nowhere for people to escape communism, nowhere for people to seek asylum, nowhere for people to find freedom and human dignity. I am telling you seriously, from my heart: Wake up America! This is our last chance to fight for our freedom.



Dogs suck. Dog people suck. Yes, all of them. Rolling Stones are a terrible band with a misshapen big-headed-ape as a singer that dances like a sissy. Apes are supposed to be strong you stingy armed shrimp of a man Mick. Glamtera is infinitely better than Phil’s Pantera. Johnny Cash is crap & so are each & every person that likes him. I wouldn't even tell AC/DC that they were good for a garage band. The Talking Heads is for blow-hard nerds. Rap sucks, hope that doesn’t need to be said. Nirvana is for emo queers. The Beatles suck and Lead Zeplin(not googling how to spell it)... not a fan. This is the home of obscure Thrash-Metal, Glam-Metal. Syth-Pop and some Sissy Rock. This page is basically a WASP fan-cite. Don’t make my love a crime. Best Music Ever --- Best Official Music Videos Ever --- Great Music Ever 2 --- You don't watch all of these, you fuckin' lose - Now That's What I Call Music Vol 3 --- Real Videos I Did With Me in Them --- Other Music That Exists ---

Clear Thinking in Confounding Times


This channel is all about approaching life, meaning and purpose through the gateway of Truth. It contains videos created by Dr. Christian Overman, author of Assumptions That Affect Our Lives. For more about Assumptions That Affect Our Lives, please copy and paste this link into your web browser bar:

US Customs Clearing


Effortless Customs Clearing Solutions for Your Import Needs is our tagline, and we are dedicated to making international shipping easy for you. At US Customs Clearing, we ensure a smooth passage for your packages through customs, eliminating any hassles along the way. We believe in transparency and provide upfront explanations of all fees and taxes, so there are no surprises. Stay informed with our regular updates on the latest rules and regulations, and if you ever need assistance, we connect you with customs experts. Join us and let's make international shipping a breeze together! 🏠 US Customs Clearing 📳 213 270 1930 📨 🌍

Clear Creek Cabin Mini Farm


Join us as we do projects at our homestead while living in a Tiny Cabin in the woods with our Miniature Donkeys, Chickens & Dogs. We will share some of our projects as we work to improve our homestead. Some of the planned upcoming projects will include: Expanding our Miniature Donkey Paddock; Building a Paradise Donkey Trail System; Building a Tack Room; Cutting Trails through the woods; Planning a future addition to the Pole Barn; Finishing some of our interior cabin details & whatever little projects needed here at our hobby farm / homestead. Sometimes we just have fun using the John Deere 1025r tractor, JD x350 garden tractor, Stihl Chainsaws and DR Wood chipper. We\\\'ll also share our DIY ideas and How-To-Do-It tips & suggestions. Occasionally we might share some of our simple living home cooked cast iron recipes in the winter when it\\\'s too cold to work outside. We\\\'re sharing all this just for fun of doing it & nothing more. After all, isn’t life all about the journey..?

Clear your mind


Jag heter Martin och jag är en Human Potential Coach, besök gärna min hemsida för att komma i kontakt med mig. Disclaimer Detta är inte medicinsk rådgivning. Informationen från clear your mind är enbart för utbildnings och underhållningssyfte. Du bör inte använda informationen från clear your mind för att diagnostisera eller behandla något hälsoproblem eller som ersättning för medicinering eller annan behandling som föreskrivs av din läkare eller vårdgivare. Du bör rådgöra med en läkare eller sjukvårdspersonal innan du påbörjar något kost-, motions- eller kompletteringsprogram, innan du tar någon medicin eller något kosttillskott, eller om du har eller misstänker att du kan ha ett hälsoproblem. Not Medical Advice. The Content provided on is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefor. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practice medicine or general health care in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any Content obtained from and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment or fitness program. Content obtained from is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment.

The Clear Understanding


Join Ella and Elsoulx, along with their invisible friends Rpie and Dfyi, on heartwarming adventures at their family's animal shelter! Unravel emotions like a detective (Rpie!), understand situations with a magnifying glass (Dfyi!), and make the best choices for both kids and animals (The Clear Understanding!). Through laughter, teamwork, and a sprinkle of superpowers, learn valuable lessons about empathy, decision-making, and the joy of helping furry friends find forever homes!