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Main Topics: 👉🏻 Gab: @BoundlessEnergyGab (almost daily stories|articles|anecdotes) 'Goyim' and Jews | Technology and Transhumanism | Our 'New' Conscious World There are several forms in which Boundless Energy manifests itself, including human form. The illusion of a separate existence from the "Absolute" arises with the sudden appearance of the illusory "self / I" and its subsequent stories, both of which are mere dreams. In this dream, "no one" has conjured up a dream about... . Boundless Energy is, in religious terms, "God," or the so-called unconditional love, the "Absolute," "Oneness" and transcends race, ethnicity, nationality, culture, religion, belief systems, age, gender, sexuality, distance, and time. The illusion of the apparent individual seeking answers has faded away, leaving only what is truly present - Boundless Energy. 👊🏻 ㄒ卄乇 卩卂ㄒ卄: . "I" embark on a cooperative journey towards a paradigm shift in multiple domains, including education, healthcare, politics, nutrition, business, financial and monetary systems, and supply chain management. This path aligns with the concept of Prof. Dr. Franz Hoermann's cooperative vision or Andreas Popp's "Plan B" from the knowledge factory, Germany. In contrast to the current efforts by the ruling "elites" to achieve their "Build Back Better" or "Great Reset" agenda, which aims to enslave the surviving humanity (Armageddon: "Goyim" vs Jews), "my" approach seeks a more emancipatory path towards a better future. . Just as Prof. Dr. Franz Hoermann and Andreas Popp have proposed, I believe that a fundamental transformation is necessary to address the complex challenges we face today. This transformation requires a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach that integrates knowledge and expertise from various fields to create a more just and sustainable society. By embracing a cooperative paradigm shift, we can break free from the dominant narratives that perpetuate inequality, exploitation, and environmental degradation. This new path will not only prioritize human well-being but also ensure the long-term viability of our planet and its resources. . In contrast to the top-down approaches advocated by the elites, my vision for a cooperative paradigm shift emphasizes grassroots engagement, decentralized decision-making, and participatory governance. This way, we can create a more equitable and just society that truly benefits all individuals and communities, rather than just serving the interests of the powerful few and jew. Ultimately, the choice is clear: we can continue down the path of domination and exploitation or take the road towards cooperation and liberation. The latter requires courage, creativity, and collective action. Will we seize this opportunity to create a brighter future for all?" 🎱🥅👊🏻 While this channel may not be the main focus, it's the discussion that truly brings it to life. Let's hear your thoughts! For more information on this and related subjects, please visit my Gab profile: @BoundlessEnergyGab