Mobster Chronicles is a syndicate of mob enthusiasts and insiders, who present unique, fact based videos and discussions about Organized Crime in the US and Canada, with a focus on lesser known mob families in cities like Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Pittsburgh and St. Louis. We present the mob's "point of view" on organized crime, with an unbiased eye, and DON'T take cheap shots, or pass any judgement, on those involved. We also expose those Wannabe Gangsters who dare to lie about their life and connections to La Cosa Nostra in America, and those Snitches, Stoolies and Rats, who did the crime, but couldn't do the time. ALL are targets, and NONE are safe from our pursuit. Mob Liars, Snitches and Wannabes: You can run, you can lie, you can rat but you CAN'T hide.

White Hats My Ass


Welcome to White Hats My Ass, where the rooster of truth crows loudly, exposing the deceptions that permeate our world. We plan to challenge the established narratives and awaken to the hidden layers of reality. Join us on a thought-provoking journey as we also delve into the realms of politics, the new age movement, and beyond. With a playful rooster twist and a dose of humor, our channel explores the uncharted territories of what is truth, offering alternative perspectives and questioning the status quo. Get ready to awaken your curiosity, sharpen your critical thinking, and embark on a quest for deeper understanding. Prepare to have your assumptions shaken. Together, we'll ruffle feathers, break free from the coop of deception, and embark on a quest for deeper understanding. Subscribe now to join the rooster revolution! 🐓

Tana's Take(s)


Do you like to laugh at yourself? Like me at 43 trying to learn how to shuffle dance like a teenager on Instagram or TikTok? Well there's plenty videos in here that will entertain you. I also think I will be giving my two cents on a few things that I feel should be talked about with fellow Americans and humans from all over frankly about things that our ruling class and political bureaucrats are up to. Remember what they are actually supposed to be? Public Servants!! No, really! That's what these career politicians and bureaucrats originally signed up to be. But I admit, I don't feel like they are working for me and trying to make things better for me or anyone I know. Nope, I think quiet the opposite actually, and its important to talk about that. Our future depends on it. This is really something that should be welcomed to discuss. Politics is what shapes our world, our livelihood, our way of life... I think its time to stop being quiet because you might offend someone and start talking to each other more because what you will learn is that we actually are all much more alike than we are different. You just need to have have the open mind to hear and to listen. So if you're willing to do that I'll be posting some short videos that will probably be me venting at first. Asking for someone to tell me I'm wrong and go from there. This is for me to be able to speak what I know to you and at least get it out there and be open to what you think. If you're up for that, then I'll this will be fun and informative and for the betterment of all of us. Thanks for checking me out. xoxo