Spiritual Physics for Faith Enhancement


We are dedicated to sharing spiritual and scientific principles for practical application for novice and advanced individuals seeking spiritual insight. Our purpose is to provide truths based on information gathered from ancient teachings and modern science. We examine these insights through astrology, chakras, the Kabbalah, energy movement, healing modalities, and practical exercises for each system. This knowledge will provide a foundation for those either searching for or enhancing their faith.

Ex-Satanist Saved by Jesus Christ


I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am here to share the love of God. As an ex-Satanist, I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can make others aware of how the devil deceives people into following him. If you are into Satanism or the occult, I hope this channel will bless you. Jesus loves you, and He can save you from the darkness. Nothing is too big for Him to deal with. Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, and He took your sins and mine upon Himself so that we can be forgiven. “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." Matthew 18: 12-14 (NASB) God bless you.

Campus Handout


This is the best channel for first year Ethiopian university students. We upload all common course tutor videos and attaché useful handouts and lecture notes. In addition we will share practice questions in an interactive way. We also have amazing short notes/Quick notes for each course. You will benefit from: 🤓 Student Quick Note/short note 📝 👨‍🏫 Lecture notes/ handouts 🎲 Practice quiz/question With 💡explanation for each question stay connected and get more!



Dear Rumble viewer, I'm personally honoured that you clicked on my Video. I thank you very much for doing so. I hope I've entertained or educated you in some way. There will be way more videos coming from me soon, some animated, some just video recordings, some vlogs, and some gaming. I don't have one specific box to fit in. My videos are going to be all over the place, just like my thoughts. So if your ideas are all over the place like mine, then pls make sure to subscribe and help out a brother. Let's build the first ever community of unlike minded people:) Cheers!

The Many Parallels


A showing of two ineptly proclaimed scholars, venturing into discussion on both [the] known and unknown. Hosts Zach and Trevor discuss anything from Faith and Mysticism, to Politics and Society, to Video Games and Music. Join us Thursdays at 6pm Central where we explore our various interests and The Many Parallels that weave them all together. We're always open to suggestions for topics to discuss and concepts to explore or educate ourselves on. So please do share those with us in the comment section of our videos, or @ManyParallels on X (formerly Twitter). If you want to support us directly and/or want more content, check out our Patreon. Where we post weekly member exclusive content such as our Zero Deliberations show, which is a less structured conversation about whatever is on our mind at the time. Patrons also receive all episodes 2 days before they're posted anywhere else! Join our Patreon here - https://www.patreon.com/TheManyParallels