Beyond the Pandemic


Beyond the Pandemic is an eye-opening series designed to break the silence, reveal true stories, and share solutions to help us get beyond the pandemic. The production of the series is a grassroots response to loud cries from the community for more balance and inclusion from mainstream media regarding all conversations about the pandemic. As a result, the series we are producing will encourage objective conversations, share real-life experiences and provide tangible solutions that reflect the diversity present in communities all around the world.

Food for the Faithful


In an age of delusion I aim to provide believers with the tools needed to counter the enemy's lies. Postmodernism, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity, WOKE, Net-Zero are all variations on a theme. Namely the belief that life is a zero-sum game, a Malthusian nightmare where resources are so finite that the state must redistribute them. These ideas are a distillation of the Dialectical Materialism of Marx and Engels aimed at destroying the Christian values upon which Western liberalism and democracy rely. This channel is dedicated to providing Christians with the meat of the Word of God sorely lacking in Christian circles today. As the Bible states in Isaiah 55:11 NKJV "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." May the Lord of Battles prepare us & grant us the revelation of Christ crucified and risen needed to fight the good fight!



Welcome to the highly entertaining world of "Grow Weed at Home with Kyle Kushman" podcast on Rumble! Join us as we delve into the wonderful realm of cultivating cannabis, a plant that seems to trigger a few digital algorithms along the way. YouTube may have hit the snooze button on us, but rest assured, our green thumbs are still going strong! Tune in for some bud-tastic discussions, growing tips, and plenty of light-hearted banter that's higher than your average gardening show. Let's weed out the competition one podcast episode at a time!



The AUP is an inspiring initiative to unite all Albertans to protect their interests and future prosperity by the only means possible, Alberta Independence. I created this channel to get my message out to all Albertans. Alberta is worth Unifying Albertans to fight for the preservation and protection of the fundamental ideals, values, and freedoms that have been foundational to the success of Western Civilization; and for which so many have given their lives in two World Wars and several international peace-keeping roles where freedoms were in jeopardy.



Welcome! I'm Glitch Married Father to Boy/Girl Twins 10 Year Cyber Soldier Interests: First Person Shooters Role Playing Games Marvel Cinematic Universe Skeet Shooting Philosophy Conspiracy Theories Politics If You're Enjoying The Stream, Drop A Like and Subscribe! Join Me At: TWITCH - TikTok - Twitter - Discord - TROVO Live - Tips Are Not Expected But Greatly Appreciated! StreamElements - Venmo: @Glitch3n CashApp: $Glitch3n THANK YOU VERY MUCH!



WAVV | Pop Rock - France (Rennes) WAVV | Music & Concerts Nous sommes un duo rennais formé en 2015. Aleksandra : Chant / Clavier Will : Chant / Basse (arrangements et orchestration). Avec un style particulier, mélangeant plusieurs styles : pop, rock electro... Nous vous racontons des histoires sur le monde et l'amour. Vous pourrez y découvrir une ambiance sensuelle et déjantée dans un univers teinté de sonorités rock electro. Notre musique dégage une atmosphère incitant au voyage. Venez nous rejoindre dans un univers où se croisent la folie, la joie et l'espoir.

Test Channel


Welcome to our channel. CPCS And CSCS test Channel will cover all of the health and safety topics you’ll need to know to pass your test. The CPCS and CSCS test consists of thousand multiple questions. Some questions will require multiple answers so please ensure you read through the question requirements carefully. To pass your CPCS and CSCS test you will need to practice as much is possible to get you prepared for your real test. We provide the Official CPCS And CSCS Answers for the Test not (study notes) and this is exactly what the Tester will want to hear from you, don’t get tricked by others and buy (study notes or old answers). The questions and answers on this channel are from the latest CPCS and CSCS theory test 2021 Stop worrying about your CPCS and CSCS Theory Test you are guaranteed to pass the first time without any problems. Thank you for visiting our channel.

relax me


Relaxing rain thunderstorms night rain relaxing weather relaxing stree relief HEAVY RAIN with DEEP THUNDER Sounds - Thunderstorm Rain Sounds for Sleeping or Relaxing - White Noise Rain Sleepsleeping musicdeep sleep musicrelaxing sleep musicsleep musicmeditation musicchris rea on the beachsoothing soundsforest soundsstudy360 waveshow to get 360 waves fasthow to get 360 waves for beginnersrelaxing soundsthe oceanoceanshow to get 360 waveshow to get wavesreaoceansleepingsleepocean waves crashingwavesocean waves soundsocean waves sounds for sleeping dark screenrelaxin beachocean soundsnature soundsocean wavescalming musicambient study musicambient study music to concentratestudy music to concentratetrafficdrivingdriving in trafficcar trafficrain sounds for sleepingheavy rain soundsrainrain soundsrelaxing piano musicpiano musicrelaxing musicstudy music Links