Plant Fanatics


Here at Plant Fanatics we love discussing the growing of all things fruit and medicinal in northern planting zones. We are located in Northwest Arkansas zone 7, and own The American Fig Company. We discuss everything from pawpaws and figs, all the way to bananas and Citrus. Any information you need to succeed with in ground growing or potted plants, we've got you covered. All in all we just love botany and having a community of like minded individuals to chat with.

pray for palestine


The Free Palestine Movement (Arabic: حركة فلسطين حرة) is a Palestinian Syrian armed movement and community organization that is led by the businessman Yasser Qashlaq and supports the Ba'athist government of Syria. The organization opposes the existence of Israel, and was mostly known for political activism and social services in favor of Palestinians in Syria and the Gaza Strip before 2012. Upon the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War, however, the Free Palestine Movement formed its own militias and has since then openly fought for the Syrian government against various rebel groups.

Keeping it Simple With Plant Based Foods


Hi, I'm Blaze and this channel focuses on living a premium healthy lifestyle through learning about natural foods and how they affect our everyday life. Discover how to nourish your body with plant-based nutrition. By keeping it simple find out how to incorporate these easy habits into your daily routine, you'll unlock your potential to become your best self. How am I certain? Because it worked wonders for me. I transformed from being extremely unhealthy to achieving peak fitness using the strategies I share. If you're tired of your old self and ready to create your best life, reach out via the link for 1-on-1 coaching.

A Struggle for Peace and Justice


Welcome to the 'Palestine: A Struggle for Peace and Justice' channel, where we delve deep into the complex and enduring conflict in the Middle East. Our goal is to provide a platform for informed discussions, analysis, and a better understanding of the historical, political, and humanitarian aspects of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Join us as we explore the narratives, stories, and perspectives from both sides of the conflict, aiming to foster empathy, dialogue, and awareness. Our channel will feature documentaries, interviews, expert analyses, and personal testimonies that shed light on the challenges and aspirations of the Palestinian people, as well as the broader geopolitical context. Subscribe to stay informed, engage in constructive conversations, and become a part of the solution to this long-standing issue. Together, we can work towards a future where peace, justice, and dignity prevail for all in the region.

Alvin Plantinga's Epistemology


Some things can be known without relying on evidence from other things we know. Those are the properly basic beliefs (PBBs). All evidence has to come from somewhere, and PBBs are where it comes from. Not just any belief can be a PBB. It has to be one we can know in some way other than through evidence from other things we know. And — surprise! — Alvin Plantinga thinks belief in G-d can be a PBB. But how do we know which things can be in the category of PBBs? Plantinga borrows from Roderick Chisholm‘s advice for figuring out something like this: First, make a nice list of beliefs we know fit into a particular category of beliefs; next, carefully look at the beliefs in that list to figure out a criterion for beliefs in that category; finally, use that criterion to see whatever other beliefs might fit into that category. Plantinga gets his list of PPBs from common-sense beliefs, drawing from Thomas Reid. Then there’s some inductive logic to get to the criterion. (Hint: It involves properly functioning faculties!) And then there’s an explanation of why Plantinga thinks Christian belief meets that criterion. It took Plantinga more than three decades and well over a thousand pages to do all this. But he eventually did it, and it’s some pretty awesome philosophy.