Covid Revealed Docu-Series


EXPOSING LIES & MISINFORMATION REVEALING THE TRUTH Most people are starting to realize that they’ve been LIED to during this entire pandemic by our government officials, health “authorities”, big pharma, and more…about a LOT of things. Worse yet, thousands of doctors, PhD’s, virologists and more have been constantly censored and banned by social media giants (owned by the same major shareholders as big pharma) when these brave health experts have tried to tell the truth about what’s going on behind the scenes. You’ll NEVER hear any of this in mainstream media as they’re not allowed to say anything that goes against the government approved propaganda narrative. You’ve probably seen over the last couple weeks the brave people that created the documentary series Covid Revealed. It’s been getting worldwide attention, for good reason… because people are fed up with the lies and want to hear the truth that has been censored all along. This series contains everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the truth on alternative treatments like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, vitamin D, monoclonal antibodies, and lots more. It also contains shocking data about the vaccines that aren’t being admitted by the government or mainstream media. Watch the 9 episodes of Covid Revealed plus the bonus episodes. In these 9 episodes, here is just a taste of some of the information revealed: 1.The truth behind hydroxychloroquine, shocking information about Big Pharma, and the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology speaks out against the Covid jab. 2.RFK Jr. fearlessly uncovers HUGE secrets. Treatment protocols for C0VlD proved very successful but have been written off. Why? And, meet a teenager whose life was derailed by the vaccine. 3. After 30 years, the technology behind the vaccine still hadn’t panned out. Why is it being used now, and where is the research proving its safety? A celebrated vaccine researcher offers insight into the current situation. And, you’ll be shocked by the ways research has been botched, fudged, and ignored. 4. All about how viruses work, how hospital protocol may be doing more harm than good, a lawyer who is shocked by the way vaccine injured patients are being treated, and a healthy professional whose life was changed by a reaction to the C0VlD jab. 5. “This is a disease based on the manipulation of statistics,” you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting injured from the vaccine they say, and the truth about the shot’s effect on women’s menstrual cycles. 6. An honest look at the CDC, the FDA, and how they do business, are hospitals really overrun by unvaxxed people, or is really mostly vaxxed people? And, hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved, if they had just done this. 7. What’s happening to our medical freedoms? Medical workers and PhDs are among the people groups who are refusing this vaccine the most. What do they know that the rest of us don’t? 8. Practical, to-the-point information on how to avoid catching C0VlD and what to do if you get it. Is this pandemic only the beginning? What are they planning next? And… the TRUTH about masks. 9.The ethics behind vaccinating kids, the truth about naturally acquired immunity, the importance of freedom, and what you need to know about Fauci’s lies.

Covid 19 Documentary - Janet Ossebaard


A documentary from the same creator Janet Ossebaard about Covid-19! It very powerfully lays out the origins of Covid-19, its original intentions, development of bioweapons and vaccines by the Cabal, and how what was meant to take down everything to allow a police state has been turned around by the Alliance/White Hats to be used as a cover up for mass arrests without fear of harm to the public!!! Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Vaccine Secrets - Covid Crisis


The “experts” are telling us that experimental COVID vaccines are the ONLY way to stop COVID... That they’re safe — despite so much documented evidence to the contrary… That they’re effective — even though millions of “double-jabbed” people are getting very sick, spreading COVID, and dying… That we MUST get at LEAST two shots PLUS “boosters” to live “normal lives”… And soon, they’ll be telling us that we have no choice but to comply.

Covid Hoax and Its Deadly Biochemical Weapons, Commonly & Mistakenly Thought of as "Vaccines"


Covid-19 is just a variant of the flu that comes up every year. Yes, people do die of the flu, as has happened with Covid-19. The PCR tests were misused to diagnose Covid, as the PCR tests were never intended for diagnosis. Real vaccines come out of nature, as did the small pox vaccine. No real vaccine can be created in a laboratory. Chemical concoctions being called "vaccines" for Covid are actually very deadly. The have been fatal in many cases. Covid-19, not being spectacularly dangerous itself, was promoted into such a serious illness, that people would seek and demand a vaccine. So the pharmaceutical industry obliged, coming up with various chemical concoctions in their laboratories. Not particularly therapeutic, but it sure does make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies. I've added GMO to this channel as a topic to cover.

COVID Secrets - Documentary Series (2022)


No matter where you turn, you are faced with more censorship. The bottom line is, they will never tell you the truth about what they’re doing and what their reports show… That’s why my team and I have made it our personal mission to sit down with real experts who are not a part of their agenda to bring you the truth about what’s happening right now. In my brand new 9-part docuseries you’ll learn everything you need to know. This is the most up-to-date information that will protect your personal safety, health, and freedom. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear in this docuseries once you send us your email (this is all free of charge for you): Censored alternative treatment methods directly from leading authority Dr. Peter McCullough and numerous other doctors who have successfully healed their patients The most recent data on vaccine injuries (including newly reported death counts) The reason my team and I are calling this a “vaccine genocide” and what Big Pharma is NOT telling you Breaking news regarding mandates and the never-ending “booster battles” Current “mandate madness” updates and how to protect your personal freedom How the most recent US Senate hearings will personally impact you and your rights What the Freedom Convoy is doing in Canada and why you should pay special attention (they are now trying to freeze the bank account of anyone involved!) How to overcome any future mandates and protect your personal rights (as well as your loved ones who might not be able to speak for themselves) New variants including Omicron, Deltacron, Flurona, and whatever else they try to throw at us How the global government and Big Pharma are using children to continually push their agenda (this is absolutely appalling) What to do if you or a loved one are infected and which natural protocols are recommended (I cover this in detail with numerous expert guests) Plus so much more This is the type of information that WILL become censored once they find out we’re sharing the truth with you. Source: If you enjoyed this DocuSeries, please visit their website and support them.

🚨 EBS - La Nuova Norimberga - COVID19 - Adrenocromo - DeepState - Verified


VERITÀ SOPPRESSA ALL'UMANITÀ. Divulgazioni Delle Operazioni AntiMafia. LETTI MEDICI - OLOGRAFICI 🏥 Federazione Galattica LA LUCE HA VINTO ! Se i dadi sono stati truccati in America , automaticamente sono stati truccati in Europa e in Italia! In questi 4 anni abbiamo vissuto l'ultimo colpo di coda dI satana ma la verità e' da tutte le parti ugualmente. Facebook per esempio ha bloccato molti post è rimosso agenti della luce , youtube ha fatto lo stesso la TV e' controllata dai satanisti demONcratici Canali interi di informazioni utili per la salute sono stati rimossi. Siamo stati controllati nelle informazioni. E stata una guerra bypassare il sistema con le trasmissioni video modificati per raggirare l intelligenza artificiale che cerca e trova i post (video) compromettenti per i serpenti e mangiatori di adrenocromo. Ora le cose sono diverse ed esistono piattaforme di 5D OVE IL MALE NON E PERMESSO FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE E IL MOTORE DI RICERCA GOOGLE VIOLANO I DIRITTI UMANI. Per esperienza personale hanno bloccato 2 canali 14000 iscritti su youtube in 3 mesi , più di 2000 video rimossi quasi 3.000.000 di visualizzazioni conteggiate. Eppure andavano bene i canali la gente era contenta di ciò che condividevo, sono stato silenziato , i miei commenti non sempre apparivano , quando parlavo un po di più, spiegavo ,prendevo contatto con il pubblico, mi bloccavano un video, con impossibilita di pubblicare per una settimana , o per due settimane. .---..,,,.òà.,.. Si molta luce e passata e ha raggiunto molte persone, per Dio è stato grande il lavoro di coscienza che stiamo ancora adesso sperimentando , infatti tutto ciò che abbiamo inviato , sta ritornando indietro anche se i canali non ci sono più , Il più grande è stato fatto , non è stato inutile , non voglio che lo pensa nessuno , anzi per me è stato un onore aver aiutato , ci sono molti altri fratelli e sorelle che sono in quella piattaforma e colgo l occasione per salutarli ammiro il loro lavoro, ma io sento che la gente deve sapere a fondo tutto e non mezze verità, e una battaglia persa nel loro campo ove NON E AMMESSO TUTTO IL BENE E AMORE INCONDIZIONATO. SI , posso postare messaggi di speranza , di saggezza , ma non posso dire apertamente di stare lontani dai buchi le maschere e le tamBonazioni, non posso neanche dire che potete rimuovere completamente gli effetti indesiderati che hanno provato ad installare!! Devo parlare saggiamente con i codici di luce altrimenti il sistema blocca ....... Su rumble questo problema non c'e , ho caricato in primis i video più CALDI E ARDENTI ed e' filato tutto giusto , ho tutto il materiale necessario per far comprendere quanto e' profonda la tana del bian coniglio Q questo mi rende contento e realizzato nell'anima!!! Facebook youtube e il digitale terrestre sono coloro che denunciamo, i partecipanti di queste piattaforme non possono inviare e ricevere la completa verità possiamo parlare di amore compassione , ma se tocchiamo argomento punture e vietato ? E vietato perché svela il FONDO DELLA TANA DEL BIAN CONIGLIO! Quindi per vedere tutto il bagliore della luce e necessario comprendere che si trova fuori dal mondo , fuori da questi social E stata costruita nel vero senso della parola una nuova griglia magnetica 5D. Questa griglia ove sto scrivendo e' il ponte (4D) verso la 5D Coloro che sono in 3D hanno l opportunità di ascendere a una dimensione superiore una visione superiore La luce ha vinto!! LA LUCE E' PRESA DI COSCIENZA LA LUCE E' INFORMAZIONE LA LUCE E' CONCENTRATO CALMO AMOREVOLE LA LUCE E' PACE TRANQUILLITÀ VERITÀ LA LUCE E' NON UCCIDERE E NON MANGIARE CARNE E PESCI LA LUCE E' FAI DEL BENE , SOLO BENE PER TE PER ME PER TUTTI