Extra Bulla!


Welcome to Extra Bulla! I've been in blue and white collar jobs and know what working people are going through. Our elected officials and media have let us down. Who do you trust these days? This channel is dedicated to bringing viewers information and commentary on the nation we call the United States. We'll delve into political goings-on and how it affects the working person. We'll try to provide accurate and hopefully helpful information, not click-bait headlines and empty words. We'll also have livestreams with interesting people. Plus, we'll have fun when we can. Engaging in meaningful conversation requires respect, compassion and sincerity, and we're here for all of it!



When you understand that no cell can divide without biology, you conclude that it truly is "All About The Biology" Ken Somerville. Explore the different methods of adding biology back into the system, both the soils and into your own body. 70 to 80% of the human immune system is linked to your biology. Find the things that you can do to save our species and planet before it is too late. Join the community of like-minded people whose goal is to save us all from extinction. One lit candle can light many without ever diminishing its own light.



I create original music using the keyboard, guitar, drums, and my voice. My songs use multiple melodic and harmonic layers to create a deep and rich listening experience. I seek to improve my sound with every album and song. My songs cover a wide array of topics, from love to self-improvement to mysticism and spirituality. Having such a breadth of subjects will allow you to choose a song based on the mood you're in or would like to be in. Good music has the ability to bring forth the best in humanity, to elevate us to new heights. It's my hope that the music I create will make your life better, if only in a tiny way!