WTF is up?


Welcome mother fuckers, to the place where you can let out your frustrations and rants about the most trivial things with no fear of judgment. A fiery lil fucking lady and featuring her friends, are your go-to for venting about life's smallest annoyances. Whether it's a dumb friend or family member, a rude simpleton, or the never-ending run around of life, nothing is too petty to rant about on this show. With unfiltered discussions and a devil-may-care mentality, each episode strives to be a hilarious and cathartic journey. So sit back, relax, vent, and laugh about surviving life's minor aggravations.

The Twist News featuring Erika Grey and Don Pravda


A News Talk Show Providing Bold Insightful Commentary on World Political Events with Erika Grey and Don Pravda. By educating the public from an international perspective and highlighting overlooked and undereported news, the Twist challenges the status quo enroute to a better world. Their broadcast provides a unique refreshing, innovative approach to the news arena. Erika Grey, an Evangelical Christian author who is an acclaimed international journalist and geopolitical analyst, has teamed up with Don Pravda, an influential Jewish leader and U.S. political insider, to provide honest commentary on unfolding items in the news. Provocative. Insightful. Relevant. Timely. Whether you are looking for a fresh perspective on the crisis in Ukraine or wondering how the EU just stepped up as a world power, Erika and Don bring unparalleled depth and breadth to an analysis that is uniquely aligned with both Christian and Jewish thought. #israel #news #evangelical #europe #jewish #breakingnews #politics

ROOM 101 - What science fiction got right about our future


ROOM 101 TEASER Did you ever wonder how 1984 really stacked up to what's going on right now? Or Brave New World? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? We dive into the 1000s of science fiction, scifi-horror, and speculative fiction books and movies that hit the nail on the head or swung and missed trying to predict the future that is NOW. Our future. Welcome to ROOM 101. Get ready for the first episode called "Orwell, Huxley, and Finney Walk into a Bar..." out first week of January, 2022. Presented by Mike T. Lyddon and RPLLC.