Hercules Knives Inc

1 Follower

Experience The Best Knives in USA Online There are lots of companies that do what we do and they offer the same but our practically designed products and their matchless functionality make us unprecedented in the industry. Herculesknives is one of the world’s top-class Knives manufacturing Companies. Since its inception, our mission is “To offer quality products at a revolutionary price”. We specialize in producing highly advance and experimental designs in the knife industry. Our happiest moment is when we are innovating and fanatically dedicated to our work. Our products designed so beautiful and practical that they easily catch your eyes and drifted you deeper into the experience. Basically, we empower professionals to exhibit their expertise and do exactly the way they want. We have a 100% commitment to making all our creations the best they can possibly be, no matter what it takes to get there.

Ginger Beef TV

1 Follower

Welcome to Ginger Beef TV, your cozy corner of the gaming world where nostalgia, fun, and camaraderie come together! 🎮 Previously known as Canadian Yeti, I've been an old-school gamer long before it was cool, and I'm here to share my passion with all of you. At Ginger Beef TV, you'll find me playing a diverse array of video games, from retro classics to the latest hits. Although I'm not a professional gamer, I've got plenty of enthusiasm and a love for gaming that knows no bounds. What started as a simple way to entertain my kids has evolved into a journey of personal growth, as gaming has become a way for me to manage my stress levels and cope with PTSD. I invite you all to join me in this adventure – let's play games, chat, and create a supportive and welcoming community together. So grab your controllers, keyboards, or mobile devices, and let's dive into the world of Ginger Beef TV – where the gaming never ends, and the friendships last a lifetime! 🕹️✨


1 Follower

Dieser Kanal ist der offizielle Kanal des Skateparks in Neetze. Wir haben vor 8 Jahren unser Debüt auf YouTube gefeiert und die damalige Freiheit genossen. Vor 8 Jahren haben wir jedoch auch das letzte Mal etwas auf YouTube gepostet, weil es mit der Freiheit steil bergab ging. Nachdem YouTube nun (19. Okt. 2023) mit Gewalt gegen Nutzer von AdBlockern vorgeht, während nicht zuletzt vor unser letztes unmonetarisiertes Video gleichzeitig extrem anstößige Werbung geschaltet wurde, verabschieden wir uns endgültig von YouTube und freuen uns über die kreative und künstlerische Freiheit auf Rumble. Seit die ersten Follower hier und die ersten, die YouTube nicht mehr mit ihrer Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit belohnen. Übrigens: Im Skatepark in Neetze ist jeder willkommen der den Park hinterlässt wie er ihn vorgefunden hat. Also, kommt skaten! - Jasper

WG Bee Farm

1 Follower

Hello we are the Wyatt's. In 1980 my grandfather (Frank Wyatt Sr), father (Frank Wyatt Jr), and two uncles bought some bees and equipment. At that time they thought they wanted to be beekeepers. Over the years, the uncles backed out and my grandfather just could not continue. My father kept on and, like all of us, made mistakes along the way. In August 2013 he became an EAS (Eastern Apicultural Society) Master Beekeeper. My name is Frank Wyatt III but everyone calls me Tra (Tray). I have been lucky to have him to show me and tell me how to keep the bees. I am a US Army Veteran and a local public servant for my small town. We have been in business for a while but thought we should reach out to others and are willing to help if we can. We are not just going to the show beekeeping but a few other things about our life. Please come and enjoy.