Tigist Media


ሰላም ወገኖቼ ወደ ቻናሌ ስለመጣችሁ ከልብ አመሰግናችኋለሁ። እዚህ ቻናል ላይ ወቅታዊ የሆኑ ዜናዎችና ለእናንተ የሚጠቅሙና የሚያስተምሩ የተለያዩ መርኃግብሮችን አቀርብላችኋለሁ።ሰብስክራይብ እያደረጋችሁ ቤተሰብ ሁኑ:: በምትችሉት መንገድ ድጋፍ ስጡኝ:: አብረን እንስራ እንተባበር ወገናችንን እንታደግ:: ትግስት ሚዲያ::

CF Girl Shares Art & Truth


Hello! Join me on an adventure in talking about art, cystic fibrosis related subjects and truth of reality and morality. I will explore topics that I think will benefit anyone and everyone in the CF community and maybe even a few others along the way. If you would like to contact me, find other ways to follow and keep up with my activities or just to donate you can do this at the link below: https://linktr.ee/saracrossart I would love to meet you all and hear all your suggestions, comments and other random thoughts. Contact saracrossart@gmail.com

AI Girl Art Sexy Outfit Lookbook


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The Ravengirl


Hey people! WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL. My name is Melody but on here I'm called 'The Ravengirl'. Here on my channel I cover a mixture of interesting and entertaining things, my main subjects being Magnet Fishing and Urbex. Other things include Metal Detecting, Wombling, Geocaching and Gaming. In my own spare time I have also acquired several awards for boxing. So come join me on here and make this channel great! 😁 Please remember to click the Subscribe button and share my videos. Thanks guys. 👍 HAVE A GOOD DAY!