Cyraxx's Xbox Account Locked. Password Hint Is "Ken Block".
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Loses His Kick, Quits Again, He Fears Us.
CyraxxVideoGameLive Chase + Cyraxx Is ALREADY BACK. Just To Prove We Didnt Win.
CyraxxVideoGameLive Cyraxx Ghost + Cyraxx Deletes Remix Nation, And Deleted Himself Before Court. Chance Died.
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Shows Up + Tales of a defeated goblin + Peter's starting to lose it already.
CyraxxVideoGameThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaThe Cyraxx Saga: 24/7 Marathon
The Cyraxx SagaPeter Likes His Sister TOO MUCH.. Creepy..
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls Me To Cry Again For A Few [The Goblin Calls #24]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls, Verbally Abuses Sally, And Ed, Admits He Never Called The FBI. [The Goblin Calls #9]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls To Get His Rage Out So He Wont Hit Sally Anymore. [The Goblin Calls #17]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Confesses To Striking Channels, And Has Sally Fight His Battles AGAIN. [The Goblin Calls #16]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls At 1am And He Is BROKEN! [The Goblin Calls #14]
CyraxxVideoGame32 Y/O Man Stole Phone From Grandma Just To Yell At Me. [The Goblin Calls #16.5]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls Lies To Me & My Associate, I Have Boots On The Ground. [The Goblin Calls #19]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls Me, Is Mad About His Channels Being Found AGAIN! [The Goblin Calls #21]
CyraxxVideoGameCyraxx Calls And Is Waiting Personally For Any Goons To Show [The Goblin Calls #23]
CyraxxVideoGameIm Sick Of Being Lied To (Original)