CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Most People Will Be Willing to Give Up Their Privacy for Better Health Care. Allowing Google, Facebook or the Chinese Government to Constantly Monitor What Is Happening Inside the Human Body."
General Flynn Weekly Updates | "I'm Sorry, Klaus Schwab Just Looks Like a Human Penis. The Human Penis Klaus Schwab, All He Wants Is Slavery." - Thomas Renz
General Flynn Weekly Updates | "I'm Sorry, Klaus Schwab Just Looks Like a Human Penis. The Human Penis Klaus Schwab, All He Wants Is Slavery." - Attorney Thomas Renz + 15 URGENT Updates
Ray Kurzweil | "The Devices Will Be Inside Our Bodies and Brains. We Will Connect the Top Layer of Our Neocortex to Synthetic Neocortex In the Cloud." Ray Kurzweil - The Director of Engineering at Google and Yuval Noah Harari Mentor
Chinese Police Stations In the United States? Has China Opened Police Stations In the United States and Canada to Monitor Chinese Citizens? (READ Article In Show Description)