9 months agoMaharishikaa | Preeti Upanishad - Semen retention vs. Female ejaculate retentionMaharishikaa
4 months agoSEMEN RETENTION AND KUNDALINI RISING #kundalinienergy #kundalini #retention #seedretentionSAVED BY AN ANGEL
9 days agoThe true culprit behind long Semen Retention Flatlines and PMO PAWS | MUST WATCH!!!!Who Knows?
2 years agoSemen Retention Will Make You BETTER Than 99% Of Men |BUT Only If You Do This..|Seed Retention-NofapDDOI
1 year agoBecome THE GREATEST Version of Yourself - Semen Retention and Sexual Discipline Makes You POWERFULTheUnlimitedGrowthMethod