2 years agoERIC WESTMAN 2 | HEART FAILURE! follow-up on low-carb restores Ejection Fractionto normal; lose fat!Doctors To Trust
3 years agoAmerican Heart Ass’n CAVES on Low-Carb Diet! (KETO protects Heart)Dr Berry's Proper Human DietVerified
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN h’ | ON LOW CARB DIET: Eat 4x saturated fat STILL insulin sensitive!Doctors To Trust
5 years ago🍴 Keto Condiments: 7 of My Favorites (Low-Carb Yumminess) 🍴Dr Berry's Proper Human DietVerified
1 year agoGEORGIA EDE c | CLOW CARB EATING: -cuts TRIGLYCERIDES by 100s -cuts INSULIN like a rockDoctors To Trust
10 months agoBest (and Worst) Fruit for Blood Sugar and Low Carb Dieting: I Ran the Tests!Dr. Becky FitnessVerified
1 year agoNADIR ALI 1’ | Give patient data on statin benefits [0.6%] to decide vs low carb, fast, exerciseDoctors To Trust
1 year agoGABRIELLE LYON 4 | Quality Animal PROTEIN Does NOT SPIKE insulin when eating low carbDoctors To Trust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN 4 | CALORIES on metabolism: high carb: slows low carb: speeds net: 300 calories/dayDoctors To Trust
6 years agoDo low-carb diets lead to early death? (The ARIC/Lancet Study Explored)Dr Berry's Proper Human DietVerified
3 months agoGARY FETTKE m5 | HOSPITAL FOOD: FEEDS T2D! …T2D patients who go low carb at home: T2D gone!DoctorsToTrust