4 years agoRELEASE THE KRAKEN! Sidney Powell Goes After CORRUPT Dominion Voting Machines!Stop Mandatory Vaccination
3 years agoHEAVY METAL DETOX! CEO Explains How Miracle Mineral Detoxifies Body In 6 Hours!Stop Mandatory Vaccination
2 years agoPure Body Extra Zeolite Detox Yields Better Sleep, Skin, Memory, Bowel Movement & More!Stop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoHere’s The Good News About Getting The Measles: Lifelong ImmunityStop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoYour Child’s Fever Is An Essential Immune Response To Leave AloneStop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoVaxxed vs Unvaxxed: “Children Who Are Unvaccinated Are Extremely Healthy”Stop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoVaccination Destroys Natural Herd Immunity and Weakens The PopulationStop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoAs An Unvaccinated Child He Was Healthier Than His Vaccinated FriendsStop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoVaxxed Movie, MMR Vaccine Autism Risk and Vaccination Danger AwarenessStop Mandatory Vaccination
4 years agoMMR Vaccination Plunges Child Into Autism and Mom Will Never Vaccinate AgainStop Mandatory Vaccination
9 months agoTerrence Howard & Joe Rogan Talk Heavy Metal Detox: Pure Body Extra & Pure Body!Stop Mandatory Vaccination