11 months agoJohn Lear on what the president would say about UFO's l #johnlear #uap #ufo #ufologyXtraterrestrialTruth
2 years agoTime Travel Time Slips Mandella Effects #JohnTitor #manyworldstheory #manyworldsCitiZenK77
1 year ago#Interview ~ (#Throwback) #JohnLear Speaks on His Experiences with #Extraterrestrials 👽russellaaron6
7 hours agoCattle Mutilations, Gene Manipulation, and the Bible | Chuck Missler, John Lear & Jacques Vallee.Bible and a bicycle.
10 months agoCONTACT #71 | « On a perdu le sens de la liberté! » - André Bercoff (par Stéphan Bureau)CONTACT avec Stéphan Bureau