1. 【HU】John Moolenaar: Végső célom az, hogy a kínai nép döntsön saját kormányáról

    【HU】John Moolenaar: Végső célom az, hogy a kínai nép döntsön saját kormányáról

  2. 【HU】John Moolenaar: Azt tervezzük, hogy visszavonjuk Kínában az állandó, normál kereskedelmi...

    【HU】John Moolenaar: Azt tervezzük, hogy visszavonjuk Kínában az állandó, normál kereskedelmi...

  3. John Moolenaar: the American public's awareness of the CCP's threat continues to rise

    John Moolenaar: the American public's awareness of the CCP's threat continues to rise

  4. 【NL】John Moolenaar: We plannen de intrekking van China's permanente normale handelsstatus

    【NL】John Moolenaar: We plannen de intrekking van China's permanente normale handelsstatus

  5. John Moolenaar: US Defense Industrial Base Cannot Support Protracted War

    John Moolenaar: US Defense Industrial Base Cannot Support Protracted War

  6. John Moolenaar: My Ultimate Goal Is for the Chinese People to Decide Their Own Government

    John Moolenaar: My Ultimate Goal Is for the Chinese People to Decide Their Own Government

  7. John Moolenaar: TikTok Should Not Be Owned by an Adversary Nation

    John Moolenaar: TikTok Should Not Be Owned by an Adversary Nation

  8. John Moolenaar on the TikTok Ban

    John Moolenaar on the TikTok Ban

  9. 【PT】John Moolenaar: O maior opressor do povo chinês é o Partido Comunista Chinês

    【PT】John Moolenaar: O maior opressor do povo chinês é o Partido Comunista Chinês

  10. 【PT】John Moolenaar: Meu objetivo final é que o povo chinês decida seu próprio governo

    【PT】John Moolenaar: Meu objetivo final é que o povo chinês decida seu próprio governo

  11. Rep. John Moolenaar: We Need to Pay Attention to the CCP's “Loaded Guns”

    Rep. John Moolenaar: We Need to Pay Attention to the CCP's “Loaded Guns”

  12. John Moolenaar: The Biggest Oppressor of the Chinese People Is Chinese Communist Party

    John Moolenaar: The Biggest Oppressor of the Chinese People Is Chinese Communist Party

  13. 【NL】Rep. John Moolenaar: We moeten aandacht besteden aan de "geladen wapens" van de CCP

    【NL】Rep. John Moolenaar: We moeten aandacht besteden aan de "geladen wapens" van de CCP

  14. 【DE】Rede von Präsident John Moolenaar über die auf Amerika gerichtete „LOADED GUN“ der CCP.

    【DE】Rede von Präsident John Moolenaar über die auf Amerika gerichtete „LOADED GUN“ der CCP.

  15. John Moolenaar: DeepSeek-R1 Release Is Another “Sputnik Moment”

    John Moolenaar: DeepSeek-R1 Release Is Another “Sputnik Moment”

  16. There is no such thing as the private sector in China: Rep. John Moolenaar

    There is no such thing as the private sector in China: Rep. John Moolenaar

  17. Rep. John Moolenaar Weighs In on China’s Cyber Ambitions

    Rep. John Moolenaar Weighs In on China’s Cyber Ambitions

  18. China | Invasion?! Company with CCP Ties Wants 500 Acres of Michigan Farmland to Build Batteries, Residents Revolt, Congressman John Moolenaar from Michigan's 2nd District: "Gotion Plant Wrong For Michigan"

    China | Invasion?! Company with CCP Ties Wants 500 Acres of Michigan Farmland to Build Batteries, Residents Revolt, Congressman John Moolenaar from Michigan's 2nd District: "Gotion Plant Wrong For Michigan"

  19. The House Select Committee on the CCP Chairman Moolenaar Remarks on ChinaWeek Legislation

    The House Select Committee on the CCP Chairman Moolenaar Remarks on ChinaWeek Legislation

  20. 【PL】Rep. John Moolenaar: Musimy Zwrócić Uwagę na „Naładowane Pistolety” KPCh

    【PL】Rep. John Moolenaar: Musimy Zwrócić Uwagę na „Naładowane Pistolety” KPCh

  21. 【ES】John Moolenaar propone tres pasos para adelantarse a las armas cargadas del PCCh

    【ES】John Moolenaar propone tres pasos para adelantarse a las armas cargadas del PCCh

  22. 【DE】John Moolenaar schlägt drei Schritte für eine frühzeitige Reaktion auf die CCP-Bedrohung vor.

    【DE】John Moolenaar schlägt drei Schritte für eine frühzeitige Reaktion auf die CCP-Bedrohung vor.

  23. Rep. Moolenaar Delivered Remarks to Global Taiwan Institute Annual Symposium

    Rep. Moolenaar Delivered Remarks to Global Taiwan Institute Annual Symposium

  24. 【HU】John Moolenaar: A kínai nép legnagyobb elnyomója a Kínai Kommunista Párt

    【HU】John Moolenaar: A kínai nép legnagyobb elnyomója a Kínai Kommunista Párt
