4 months ago【HU】John Moolenaar: Azt tervezzük, hogy visszavonjuk Kínában az állandó, normál kereskedelmi...GloryMifan2
3 months agoJohn Moolenaar: the American public's awareness of the CCP's threat continues to riseGloryMifan
4 months ago【NL】John Moolenaar: We plannen de intrekking van China's permanente normale handelsstatusGloryMifan2
4 months agoFULL SPEECH: Congressman John Moolenaar Delivers Remarks in Grand Rapids, MIRight Side Broadcasting NetworkVerified
24 days agoJohn Moolenaar: My Ultimate Goal Is for the Chinese People to Decide Their Own GovernmentGloryMifan
4 months ago【PT】John Moolenaar: O maior opressor do povo chinês é o Partido Comunista ChinêsGloryMifan2
22 days ago【PT】John Moolenaar: Meu objetivo final é que o povo chinês decida seu próprio governoGloryMifan2
5 months agoJohn Moolenaar: The Biggest Oppressor of the Chinese People Is Chinese Communist PartyGloryMifan
5 months ago【NL】Rep. John Moolenaar: We moeten aandacht besteden aan de "geladen wapens" van de CCPGloryMifan2
5 months ago【DE】Rede von Präsident John Moolenaar über die auf Amerika gerichtete „LOADED GUN“ der CCP.GloryMifan2
1 year agoChina | Invasion?! Company with CCP Ties Wants 500 Acres of Michigan Farmland to Build Batteries, Residents Revolt, Congressman John Moolenaar from Michigan's 2nd District: "Gotion Plant Wrong For Michigan"Justin BarclayVerified
6 months agoThe House Select Committee on the CCP Chairman Moolenaar Remarks on ChinaWeek LegislationGloryMifan
5 months ago【ES】John Moolenaar propone tres pasos para adelantarse a las armas cargadas del PCChGloryMifan2
5 months ago【DE】John Moolenaar schlägt drei Schritte für eine frühzeitige Reaktion auf die CCP-Bedrohung vor.GloryMifan2