John Moolenaar: US Defense Industrial Base Cannot Support Protracted War

2 months ago

12/02/2024 John Moolenaar, the chairman of the Select Committee on the CCP, said on a program that in a war simulation they found that the U.S. defense industrial base did not have the resources needed to win this war, and that it was stretched thin by different regional conflicts around the world, which ultimately led to the CCP winning the simulated protracted war.
#WarSimulation #China #SelectCommitteeonCCP #TakeDownCCP #JohnMoolenaar
12/02/2024 中共特设委员会主席约翰·穆勒纳尔在一档节目中表示,在一次战争模拟中,他们发现,美国的国防工业基础并不具备赢得那场战争所需的资源,它因世界各地不同的地区冲突而捉襟见肘,最终导致中共赢得了模拟的持久战的胜利。
#战争模拟 #中国 #中共特设委员会 #打倒共产党 #约翰·穆勒纳尔

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