ARIZONA Is Anarchy - Grassroots KICKED OUT AGAIN, Board of Supervisors SHUT DOWN The Meeting & Massive ELECTION FRAUD In Mari-Corruption County - EVIDENCE EXPOSED! Candidates & LegislaTURDS Are No Where To Be Found! ALL OF THEM = FAKE LEADERS
#287 NOV 8 Voting Machines REAL RESULTS…The Number On The Public Counter DOES NOT MATCH The Tapes For 23 Voting Centers…Why Haven’t Any Attorneys Brought This To Court? PROOF You’ve NEVER Seen!
Devil State of Arizona Updates - Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Board Of Supervisors Is Breaking The Law, Lying & Attacking The Grassroots...AGAIN! | RAY MICHAELS & BRIAN FERENCE
#290 NEW Maricopa County Election FRAUD: 15.5% Of Voting Machines Have Ballot Counts That DON’T MATCH The Voting RESULTS! STOLEN Votes, Voices, Freedoms & Sacred Rights Of The Arizona People By REPUBLICANS | SG ANON
ARIZONA UPDATE: LD3 Chair Candace Czarny DECEPTIVELY Edits Videos To Hide Her Tyrannical Behavior & Misrepresent The Grassroots - SOUNDS LIKE J6 IN SCOTTSDALE!
#170 Our Elections Are Corrupt, Fraudulent & Unconstitutional So Why Is The RNC/GOP Going After The Grassroots Who EXPOSE The Truth + Why Don't They Want To Ban The Voting Machines? | THE BIG MIG & MICHELE SWINICK