2 months agoStew peter show: Dr. Ariyana Love confirm there is grafeenoxide in covid vaccinnunzianancy
1 year agoDr. Robert Young: grafeenoxide in blood of vaccinate and UNvaccinted + Detox protocolsnunzianancy
2 months agoDuitse pathologen vinden bewegende metalen in overleden gevaccineerde mensen tijdens de autopsie.nunzianancy
3 years agoHoe het dragen van maskers Grafeenxoxide beïnvloedt - Dr. Wilfredo Stokes - Nederl. OTPaulMarieRemiSamuel
2 years ago⭕ IS DIT HET EINDE! | #23 | Poetins geheime talent | C19 cijfers | Chemtrails | Grafeen | AbortussenThe Assembling
2 years agolucifer's last perversion - graphene oxide polymer magnets sticking together to animate humansHARPAXO
2 years agoJabs and transhumanism new world order exposed. There is NO precursor in the Bible.HARPAXO