El Salvador President | "Taxes Are Not Funding Government. Who Is Financing the Government? Government Is Financed By Treasury Bonds. Paper. And Who Buys the Treasury Bonds? Mostly the Fed. And How Does the Fed Buy Them? Printing Money."
Peter Thiel | "Peter Thiel Was One of the Main People That Financed J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm & Bankrolled His Senate Run. J.D. Vance Is Essentially a Peter Thiel Made Man." - Whitney Webb | Who Is Peter Thiel?
Peter Thiel | "J.D. Vance As We Know Him Today Wouldn't Exist Without Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel Started His Venture Capital Career, Financed His Political Campaign & Was a Major Donor to Start J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm."