1. Obamas take on Trump and Harris ceremonially nominated: Must-watch moments from DNC day 2

    Obamas take on Trump and Harris ceremonially nominated: Must-watch moments from DNC day 2

  2. Leviticus ch 15 Uncleanness (ceremonially) Recognition of GOD in all ways of life.

    Leviticus ch 15 Uncleanness (ceremonially) Recognition of GOD in all ways of life.

  3. Episode 254: Born from Above_God ceremonially washes the Believer for service Part 1

    Episode 254: Born from Above_God ceremonially washes the Believer for service Part 1

  4. Episode 255: Born from Above_God ceremonially washes the Believer for service Part 2

    Episode 255: Born from Above_God ceremonially washes the Believer for service Part 2

  5. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Ken Salazar as Ambassador to Mexico

    Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Ken Salazar as Ambassador to Mexico

  6. Leviticus 11-29-47 Understanding Ceremonially Clean and Unclean Animals Part 2

    Leviticus 11-29-47 Understanding Ceremonially Clean and Unclean Animals Part 2

  7. Leviticus 11 1-28 Understanding Ceremonially Clean and Unclean Animals

    Leviticus 11 1-28 Understanding Ceremonially Clean and Unclean Animals

  8. 0385. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In N. Nickolas Perry as Ambassador of Jamaica

    0385. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In N. Nickolas Perry as Ambassador of Jamaica

  9. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Chair Maria Rosario Jackson

    Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Chair Maria Rosario Jackson

  10. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Shefali Razdan Duggal as Ambassador to the Netherlands

    Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Shefali Razdan Duggal as Ambassador to the Netherlands

  11. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Candace Bond

    Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Candace Bond

  12. 2024 DNC Ceremonially Confirms Kamala Harris And Tim Walz, Officially Adopts Rules And Platform

    2024 DNC Ceremonially Confirms Kamala Harris And Tim Walz, Officially Adopts Rules And Platform

  13. 0133. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Yohannes Abraham

    0133. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Yohannes Abraham

  14. 0452. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Randi Charno Levine as Ambassador to Portugal

    0452. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Randi Charno Levine as Ambassador to Portugal

  15. 0027. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Candace Bond

    0027. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears-In Ambassador Candace Bond

  16. 0009. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Director Sandra Thompson

    0009. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Director Sandra Thompson

  17. 0008. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Director Kiran Ahuja

    0008. Vice President Harris Ceremonially Swears In Director Kiran Ahuja