1. Boris Johnson Pushes For No Irish Backstop In Brexit Deal

    Boris Johnson Pushes For No Irish Backstop In Brexit Deal

  2. Boris Johnson Gets A New Deadline In Brexit Talks With The EU

    Boris Johnson Gets A New Deadline In Brexit Talks With The EU

  3. UK's New Brexit Proposal Would Create Special Trade Rules For Ireland

    UK's New Brexit Proposal Would Create Special Trade Rules For Ireland

  4. Prof Ray Kinsella: Irish Governments handling of Brexit will cost us a fortune

    Prof Ray Kinsella: Irish Governments handling of Brexit will cost us a fortune

  5. The N. Ireland Backstop Is Still A Sticking Point In May's Brexit Deal

    The N. Ireland Backstop Is Still A Sticking Point In May's Brexit Deal

  6. Irish Government Must Drop Brexit Backstop To Avoid Hard Border - Social Policy Expert

    Irish Government Must Drop Brexit Backstop To Avoid Hard Border - Social Policy Expert

  7. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Asks EU To Scrap 'Backstop' Agreement

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Asks EU To Scrap 'Backstop' Agreement

  8. The EU Has Approved Brexit, But It's Far From A Done Deal

    The EU Has Approved Brexit, But It's Far From A Done Deal

  9. EU Leaders Say They Won't Renegotiate Brexit Deal

    EU Leaders Say They Won't Renegotiate Brexit Deal

  10. UK And EU Leaders Come To New Agreement Before Brexit Vote

    UK And EU Leaders Come To New Agreement Before Brexit Vote
